NRMA Welcome Aboard Guidebook

N35 Safety & Occupational Health

N35provides servicesandoversight designed toprotect personnel and propertythroughthedevelopment,promotion,andintegrationofastrong safety culture at all organizational levels. An effective, comprehensive, and aggressive safety and occupational health program ensures the protection of personnel, equipment, and resources throughout all areas of responsibility. N35 helps programs and tenants identify, mitigate, and remove risks in the workplace; develops, implements, and communicates effective safety and occupational health (SOH) programs to satisfy diverse and unique customer needs. Consultation with managers and employees in the workplace on everything from ergonomics to hazardous materials handling and support of mishap prevention through education and inspection is also provided. Each region has a SOH program including a comprehensive traffic safety program specializing in motorcycle safety. N35 manages and maintains the region’s safety training requirements via the Enterprise Safety Applications Management System (ESAMS). What does N35 mean to me? NRMA: N35 provides SOH support to installation safety directors in providingasafeworkingenvironment forhostemployeesandtenants. Installation: N35 provides SOH services, providing a safeworking environment for host employees and tenants.

N3AT Anti-Terrorism (AT) Force Protection

N3AT is a large program with a combination of civilian, military, and contractor personnel providing 24/7 law enforcement, physical perimeter security, harbor security, anti-terrorism, badging, and base access support in each region. This department protects the personnel, assets, resources, facilities, and critical information in each region from hostile action and criminal activity. N93ATsupports themitigationof incidents involvinghazardoutmaterials and other emergencies including staffing and operating harbor security patrols, protecting afloat assets, and executing the military working dog program performing patrol, drug and explosive detection missions. What does N3ATmean to me? NRMA: N3AT provides law enforcement, base access, and physical security. Installation: N3AT provides law enforcement, base access, and physical security.

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 18

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