N6: Information Technology
What does N6 mean to me? NRMA: N6 provides telephones, radios, alarms, network security, NMCI/OneNet support, application development, and information management. Installation: N6 provides telephones, radios, alarms, network security, NMCI support, application development, and information management.
N6 is a combination of civilian and military personnel who provides information management, information technology (IT), and communication services within the region to maintain all information and communication network infrastructure, provide expertise and application support, and manage information security. Comprehensive region-wide networks provide unclassified and classified information systems (IS) services to all base commands and activities including security, alarm, and video surveillance systems. Support and security is provided to minimize vulnerabilities in DoD, Navy commercial and internally developed IT applications including the CNIC Gateway (G2), local database management, and several internet and web-based applications. N6 manages all aspects of information management and knowledge management in the region, from shared drives and email distribution lists to custom G2 solutions. A wide spectrum of communications systems is provided to include cable television, video teleconference (VTC), enterprise land mobile radio (ELMR-used by first responders), and emergency deployable satellite communications. Landline, cellularandsatellite telephoneservices, technical oversight and management of NMCI/OneNET IT services and equipment in support of the NMCI/OneNet contracts are also provided by N6.
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 22
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