NRMA Welcome Aboard Guidebook

 Family Advocacy Program (FAP) The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a command-directed program that provides clinical assessment, treatment and services for service members and their families involved in incidents of child abuse and domestic abuse. The primary goals of FAP are prevention, victim safety and support, rehabilitative interventions, command and offender accountability, and providing a consistent and appropriate response. FAP provides a variety of interventions and treatment services to meet the needs of individuals and families to include counseling, clinical case management, treatment groups, and refers families to military and civilian resources as appropriate.   FAP VictimAdvocacy Services Navy FAP Victim Advocates provide comprehensive support services to help ensure the safety of victims of abuse, assist all family members affected by or involved in the abuse, and help prevent further violence. FAP Victim Advocates assist with safety assessments and safety planning, crisis intervention, education and support, information about rights, referrals to community agencies, accompaniment to investigative agencies, legal appointments and court appearances, and advocate on victim’s behalf.


N91 Family Readiness  Fleet &FamilySupport Programs

N91 provides services to active duty, activated reservists, military family members, MIA/POW spouses, OCONUS DoD employees, retirees, Coast Guard and their family members (space available) and family membersof thosewhodiedwhileonactiveduty. Thoseservices include Crisis Response, Counseling and Advocacy, Deployment Support, Career Support and Retention, Life Skills Workshops, Exceptional Family Member Program, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, Personal Financial Management and Ombudsman support. Services are provided as one-on-one sessions or in a class format.

Counseling, Advocacy and Prevention  Clinical Counseling

Clinical counseling is short-termcounseling tohelpSailorswith problems in daily living (difficulty adjusting to the military, marital discord, parenting issues, personal crises, and grief) that can have a negative effect upon military readiness. These services encompass a wide scope of educational, preventive, and non-medical, brief therapeutic services that promote increased resilience.

  Sailor Assistance and Intercept for Life (SAIL) SAIL isan interventionapproach that provides rapidassistance, ongoing risk assessment, care coordination and reintegration assistance for

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 25

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