NRMA Welcome Aboard Guidebook

Work and Family Life Programs  Deployment Readiness Support

Providesdeployment support tocommands,Sailorsandfamiliesthroughout each phase of deployment – before, during and reunion/homecoming – to ensure that theycan handle thechallenges thatmayarise.  Ombudsman Support AnOmbudsman is an official representative of the commanding officer and plays a vital role in establishing and maintaining communication between the command and its family members. Ombudsmen provide personalized support, including resource referrals and information to command families, aswell as training support to commands. To contact your ombudsman, visit  Family Readiness Group Support (FRG) The FRG is the social outlet for the families of service members. FFSCs provide training, information and resources for both the volunteer leadership and members of these groups.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program The U.S. Navy’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) programisdesigned tomeet theneedsof victims. Servicesareavailable to victims regardless of whether the victimknows the offender, orwhere and when the assault took place. Sexual assaults encompass a broad range of intentional sexual contacts that are unwelcome and without consent. No formof sexual assault iseveracceptable in theDepartment of the Navy. Coordination with law enforcement, counseling, medical, chaplains and legal is available. Active intervention is one key element of sexual assault prevention. It emphasizes the responsibility of all service members to protect each other and to actively intervene in circumstances that may lead up to sexual assault. If you or someone you know has been or ever becomes a victimof sexual assault, contact the DoD Safe Helpline at or 1-877-995-5247 , a SAPR Victim Advocate, or your installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator for 24/7 confidential support.

Workshops include:  Career Exploration  Collateral/Outreach  Dress For Success  Federal Employment System  Goal Setting  Job Search Strategies

 Keys to Job Fair Success  Portable Careers  ResumeWriting  Self-Employment  Volunteerism

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 27

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