NRMA Welcome Aboard Guidebook

 Galleys Ashore Galley Program

N93 Housing

Navy ashore Galleys provide wholesome, nutritious, and delicious meals to authorized active duty and reserve DoD personnel. The Galleys cater to thosewho are Ration-in-kind (RIK) and entitled to freemeals and those drawing Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) who pay cash. Utilizing a standard ashore menu designed to elevate the quality of meals across the board, Galleys maintain consolidated mess attendant contracts ensuring standardized dining room service and do not utilize deep fat fryers for cooking to assist patrons in selecting healthier meal choices. Culinary demonstrations and competitions provide opportunities for military cooks to demonstrate the skills they have acquired.

N93 provides services to active duty military members and their families; providing housing referral services, Unaccompanied Housing, intra-station moves, military family housing, and liaison with Public Private Venture (PPV) housing.  ProgramManagement Management of the Navy Housing Program includes responsibility for overall policy, planningandexecution,operationsandfiscal accountability.  Master Plans NavyHousingprovidesdevelopment, implementationandmaintenance of FamilyandUnaccompaniedHousingMasterPlans (FHMPandUHMP). Theseplansprovidea roadmap toensure that housing requirementsare being met and maintained in good condition, and address challenges with inventory capacity, adequacy, sustainable funding levels, and staffing. The FHMP spans the Future Years Defense Plan and the UHMP provides an annual investment strategy through 2030.

What does N92 mean to me? NRMA: N92 serves Sailors and DoD civilians directly

with Morale, Welfare and Recreation programs to include Fitness & Sports, Community Recreation, Recreational Lodging, as well as Child & Youth Programs and Food Service Galleys. Installation: N92 serves Sailors, families, retirees, and DoD civilians directly with gyms, aquatics facilities, single Sailor programs, child care and family recreation opportunities such as golf, bowling and marinas.

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 35

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