NRMA Welcome Aboard Guidebook

Annual Training & Requirements

byyourpositionoryour supervisor, butmost areofferedasopportunities to learnadditional skillsandmay fitwell intoyour Individual Development Plan (IDP). Meet with your supervisor to discuss your desire to attend available sessions and get the process started. Even after the training, you should meet with your supervisor to share learning experiences and information that will help improve your day-to-day routine.

Some of the training opportunities that are offered include:   APF Financial Management

  Communication   Sales Effectiveness   Mentoring Process   Budget Planning & Management

  APF and NAF Financial Analysis   Establishing Fees and Prices   Genuine Leadership   Star Service   Conflict Resolution

  Supervisory Success   Priority Management

Annually, DoD and CNIC have established training requirements that we must adhere to or risk losing privileges. These trainings are generally related to our work environments and are meant to keep us safe and informed of what is going on around us. As a federal employee, you have an increased risk of potential security threats, and awareness of these possible threats and situations is part of our annual training. TWMS allows you to link directly with Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) and complete required training, while automatically updating your records. Annual training can easily be maintained using your Total Workforce Management System (TWMS) account at It is always a good idea to print or save any certificates that you receive. You want to be able to provide proof of your completed training when required, without having to take it again. Certificates for annual training are good for one year. Be sure to speak with your supervisor about your annual training requirements.

TRAINING Websites to Remember

  TWMS – Employee information, training, and resources   Navy Knowledge Online – Training and distance learning   Navy eLearning   Cyber Exchange

Navy FFR provides many additional training courses and online learning eventsthatareavailabletoyou.Some,suchasStarService,mayberequired

Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Employee Guide | 42

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