ers" they would give a mighty im petus to the work of God through out the world. Is your home built according to the blueprint sketched for us in the Bible? A Christian home uses the same basic materials as any other home: father, mother, and children. What makes a Biblical home unique is the way they are joined together. Certain principles govern the rela tionship. First of all, the husband is the leader of the home (Ephesians 5:22). God holds him responsible for the intelligent direction of the activities of the household. Al though he should make his choices along with his wife, the ultimate decisions must be his. Authority such as this will never be abused when the Christian hus band also follows his Scriptural re sponsibility to be the lover in the home. He is to seek his wife's and family's highest good (Ephesians 5:25). Paul says that a husband is to "nourish and cherish" his wife, as he would his own body. "Nour ish" means to bring to maturity, while "cherish" has the idea of warmth and tenderness. This wife is to be in subjection to her husband (Ephesians 5:22). This command still remains God- given (Colossians 3:18; Titus 2:5; I Peter 3:1). If a husband loves his wife as Christ loves the Church there will never be any problem. A husband is to rule his wife as God seeks to rule His people through love, care and protection. T. B. Matson points out, "In the Chris tian household there is no room for tyranny or servility, yet the wife must know and willingly take her proper place." As an old adage phrases it, "It is a sorry house where the hen crows and the cock is si lent." Page 13
eluding husband and children. The Bible gives no instruction for build ing a Sunday school, founding a missionary society, or running a theological seminary. But it has much to say in almost every con ceivable area of the home. We must not neglect the clear instruc tions the Lord gives us. Many of the severe problems our church youth workers face with young people are the result of the homes in which they have been developed. If Christians concen trated on being real "homemak
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