Biola Broadcaster - 1972-04

PANEL Discussions

Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. J. Richard Chase

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Q. Alpine, Calif. "What is the def­ inition of a bishop in the local assembly? What are the qualifica­ tions of a pastor and a deacon? A. These are very proper New Tes­ tament words. As the church grew there was a need for specific assignments and responsibilities. Some of these offices are com­ pletely different today from what they were then. “ Bishop" means "overseer." The same definition could be given to the title “ elder." ("Bishop" today stands for an ec­ clesiastical order.) I Timothy 3 gives the duties of an “ overseer." Philippians 1:1 reveals that "bish­ ops and deacons" were the two main offices in those days. The qualifications of a pastor follow these same precise lines. He is the teaching elder in the New Testa­ ment concept (I Timothy 3:1, 2). When it comes to deacons, look at the statement beginning in verse eight. In Acts 6 we read concerning the inauguration of the office of deacon. There were problems because some of the menial, but important tasks, were not being accomplished These men were ap­

pointed to serve in the material things of the church. They were also to be men of outstanding spir­ itual experience. In the present-day sense a pastor is the full-time "teaching elder." As such he receives a salary from the people so that he can give his full time to the spiritual ministry of the church. A deacon is to take care of the material and physical aspects of the organization. Both should be men of great spiritual insight. Do not downgrade the po­ sition of deacon. It is a very great responsibility and challenge. Q. Mission Hills, Calif. " Would you please explain Matthew 6:15? How can we reconcile this with I lohn 1:9?" A. In this case a proper dispensa- tional interpretation is of tremen­ dous help. We have to realize at what stage certain truths are given. In theology we know of "progres­ sive doctrine." That is, Cod begins to indicate a truth, and then more is added until we have the full and complete revelation. This first pas- Page 21

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