but has come into existence at the time indicated in Genesis. There are three creative acts mentioned in Genesis I. The first is the heav ens and the earth. Animal life is next; and finally man himself. The Hebrew literally means "to make out of nothing." How can our fin ite minds begin to comprehend the infinite God in this distinctive char acteristic and ability? Creation did not begin of itself. It did not evolve through any resident forces. After the Lord created all things without any pre-existent matter, He took the matter and fashioned it in cer tain ways to form man. There is absolutely no room for us to say that man, or anything else for that matter, evolved over a period of time, no matter how long that might have been. Such is simply "speculative science." It is no more valid that speculative theology. It has to depend entirely on the sub jective predispositions and pre suppositions of the individual who is putting forth such ideas. Q. Santa Cruz, Calif. "Before the tower of Babel, when people of the world spoke the same tongue, which language was spoken?" A. The Bible no where gives us any indication whatsoever. Any ideas we might present would only be suppositions. These people were not trying to reach God. They only wanted to make a name for them selves. Their own glory was their only concern. God came down and confused them through tongues of various languages. Such today is due to sinfulness in the heart of men. Now, because of the multi plicity of languages, man prides himself like an oestrich. Such is not an attestation to man's tremendous progress and development. It rath er reveals his wickedness and folly. Page 23
Scriptures had to be translated in to their language so that they might understand. About 250 B.C. a group of about 70 men did this which became the first translation of any book in the history of the world. It became known as the Septuagint. Where hard or difficult passages occurred there might not be the exact word in Greek for the orig inal Hebrew. This is what our Lord and His apostles used, as well as the original Hebrew. The Saviour, of course, as well as Paul, could use these two languages, and Ar amaic. If in research you scrutinize every passage and each word you will find that the basic truth is still there. There has been no mutila tion of the text so that the thought is obscured or perverted. That is the important thing! Q. Hawthorne, Calif. "Do you think that the nation described in Isaiah 18 is the United States?" A. In reading the first few verses one will realize that it could not stand for America. Notice the phrase, "That sendeth ambassadors by the sea, even in vessels of bul rushes upon the waters." As a mat ter of fact, we do not believe that any Old or New Testament Scrip ture specifically refers to the United States. Some Bible teachers think Revelation 17 and 18, talking about Babylon is tied in with our nation. We cannot accept that at all. This country, we believe, will be con nected with the Western powers, a part of the ten kingdoms to arise in the end times, according to Daniel 2. Q. Seattle, Wash. "What is the He brew word 'to create' as far as its meaning in the creation story?" A. All through the Bible matter has a beginning. It is not pre-created,
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