contact demons. They are adept at doing amazing things through the power of evil spirits as well as the devil himself. Veteran missionaries testify to the superhuman acts of natives demon-possessed. In Amer ica today we have a great wave of witchcraft and sorcery sweeping the land. There is both black and white magic. In the former, the powers of darkness are used to cast spells and even to cause illness. In white magic, incantations are used, along with various objects, to alleviate sickness as well as to remove the results of black magic. Prayer and Scripture verses, along with the name of Cod, are sometimes used as the devil seeks to deceive peo ple. Many times white magic is nothing more than black magic un der Christian camouflage. II Cor inthians 11:14 is fulfilled as Satan himself is transformed into an an gel of light. As Christians we ought not to be ignorant of the wiles and devices of the devil. But let us not forget that the Saviour defeated Satan on the cross. Yes, the devil is a doomed enemy. As believers, we are to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of spiritual dark ness. Rather we are to reprove them (Ephesians 5 :11 ). Do not fool around with astrology or anything of the like. Cod's anathama and judgment is against it. Paul was preaching to Sergious Paulus who was the Roman gover nor in that area of Cypress. Acts 13:7, 8 describes him as a prudent man. He was open-minded, intelli gent, and willing to obtain knowl edge from other sources. How Ely- mas gained influence with him we do not know. Kings and emperors Page 38
surrounded themselves with those who studied the stars, astrologers, wise men, magi, soothsayers, sor cerers, and magicians. The devil himself has access even to reading the Bible if he wants to. The proph et Isaiah warned the people of Is rael that they were to turn to God and not to spirit mediums (Isaiah 8:19). Idolatry is the worship of de mons. Go into the average book store today and you will see a whole section given over to astrol ogy and witchcraft. Paul taught that sacrifices to idols were sacrifices really to demons not to Cod (I Corinthians 10:18-20). All heathen religions in reality are demon wor ship. Bible Christians should reject any eccumenical movement which accepts world religions as a part of itself since they practice idolatry. Two doctrines of demons which are very prominent in these relig ions (I Timothy 4:1-4) are forbid ding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats. Let us, as chil dren of light, be aware of these additional indications of the near ness of the Lord's return. ELYMAS Paul was chosen by the Holy Spirit to be God's spokesman (vs. 9). He had now become the rec ognized leader among the mission aries (vs. 13). It may have been be cause of this that Mark, the nephew of Barnabas, returned to Jerusalem. Accosted by the devil's disciple, Elymas, Paul was suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit (vs. 9). There was a special power for a very def inite need. He was bold in his de nunciation and exposure of this exponent of demonism. There was no time to hesitate or retreat in the face of satanic opposition. Here
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