was demon-possession. Paul pro nounced the judgment of God up on this man. He informed him that his influence over the Roman lead er, and his resistance to the Gos pel, were now finished (vs. 10). You can imagine his surprise being told that instead of being a "Barje- sus" (which means "the son of sal vation"), he was actually the son of the devil. With his eyes fixed on Elymas, Paul finally denounced him, "Thou enemy of all righteousness." This apostate Jew had been perverting and twisting the Gospel message which the missionaries had pre sented. Even so today, the Spirit- filled man will speak the Word with boldness from the pulpit or wherever he might be. We should seek to make Paul's testimony ours, "I am set for the defense of the Gospel." How sad today to see preachers who do not believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They seek to discredit the Bible's inspiration. They do not believe in the blood of the Saviour that alone cleanses men from sin. The Apostle should to us represent the church militant. Paul was most certainly a soldier of the cross. Because of the judgment on Ely mas the man was stricken blind (verse 11). At no point does the Bible seek to cover over the sins of man, both the just and the un just. That is what makes it so inter esting to study these various char acters from the pages of Scripture. Elymas was one who had purposed to serve the devil. C. H. Spurgeon observed, "The world is no fool. It would not be so fierce against the believer if it did not see something about us which is contrary to itself. The en mity and bitterness is evidence that
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