evitable disastrous consequences will result. The shield of faith no longer protected these two. The temptation to speak evil of Christ began to conquer their consci ences. Blasphemy is considered any lan guage which defies or offers indig nity to the name or the person of God. Swearing is certainly related. I read some time ago that a famous missionary, on his return to Amer ica, was standing on the deck of a ship with his son. He heard a man cursing and swearing. The man of God explained, "My friend, this boy, my son, was born and brought up in a heathen country. In all his life he has never heard a man blas pheme God until now." What a disgrace for a supposedly Christian civilization. Those in foreign lands who have never even heard the Gospel often first hear the name of Christ in profanity. Loss of a good conscience is al ways the beginning of a ship wrecked spiritual faith. Allowing unconfessed sins to accumulate cuts off the communion so neces sary for life. Paul said that some (not all, thankfully) had put away their conscience. This refers to a deliberate, willful act. If awakened to the truth our conscience will constantly condemn us for what's wrong. It is possible, however, to so stifle these important convic tions that our sense of right and wrong is not dulled into insensitiv- ity. Patrick Henry was quoted as say ing, "He that hath a blind consci ence which sees nothing, a dead conscience that feels nothing, and a dumb conscience which says nothing, is in the most miserable condition any man can be this side Page 43
aries to use her home as an out post from which they could oper ate while they were in the area. We should not overlook the pos sibilities for showing brotherly love in a tangible manner today. "For thereby some have entertained an gels unawares." Lydia's story shows that the Holy Spirit is the infallible Guide. The method of leadership may vary and yet the end results will always be the same. We should be reminded that salvation includes the preaching of the Word of God, a listening heart and an open mind. Finally, however, there must be the opening of the heart by the Lord through His grace. Then, we ought to practice the spirit of hospitality as believers at all times. As we are able, we should seek to entertain the servants of the Lord. Yes, Lydia is a tremendous portrayal of what God can do in the life of a woman who is given over wholly to the Lord Jesus Christ in every possible way. A BLASPHEMER’S BIOGRAPHY In I Timothy 1:19 and 20 we have the interesting name of Hymanaeus recorded for us. All we know of him from this passage is that his faith had been made shipwreck. Paul said he had to be delivered to Satan that they might not learn to blaspheme. There is a second name given in the account, so there were two blasphemers rather than one. Evil always loves company. Alex ander was certainly a part as "birds of a feather." Hymanaeus was also associated with Philetus, a teacher of false doctrine (II Timothy 2:17). When an individual has a knowledge of the truth and lets slip the anchor of his soul, he sets sail on life's journey without a divine chart. In
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