Biola Broadcaster - 1972-04

of hell." Sir Walter Scott observed, "I am drawing near to the close of my career. I am fast shuffling off the stage. I have been ,perhaps, the most voluminous author of my day, and it is a comfort to me to think that I have tried to unsettle no man's faith, to corrupt no man's principles, and that I have written nothing which, on my deathbed, I could wish had been blotted out." That is quite a testimony to be able to say at the end of life. Yet, we must keep in mind that, in the fin­ al analysis, Cod must be the Judge of our record. We must be very careful about a seared or a cauterized conscience (I Timothy 4:2). How sad to get to the point where there is no more feeling. The story is told of a French minister who was also a statesman. He was once rebuked because of his profanity. He ex­ cused himself by saying, "It is not as a preacher, but as a politician that I swear." How foolish can a man be? Someone rightly ob­ served, "When he goes to hell, where will the preacher go?" What a lack of consistency and sincerity. There is altogether too much care­ less speech even among Christian people (James 3:1-10). How can anyone abuse the name of the Lord who redeemed him with His own precious blood? There are many references to blasphemy in the New Testament (Acts 13:45, 26:11; Romans 2:24; I Corinthians 10:30; I Timothy 1:13; II Peter 2:2, 10; Revelation 13:6). There is also blas­ phemy against the Holy Spirit (Mat­ thew 12:22-32 and Mark 3:22-30). May this man's sinful life be a road marker for us, serving as a graph­ ic warning against blasphemy and apostasy. May our consciences not be dulled into insensitivity.

HYMANAEUS "Shipwreck" is a word which immediately causes us to see trag­ edy and the possible loss of pos­ sessions and life itself. Hymanaeus, of whom we read in I Timothy 1:19, 20, is one who found himself destitute on the shoals of life's seas. This man was a continual trouble­ maker (II Timothy 2:17, 18). Ac­ cording to II Timothy 2:26 he had been taken captive by the devil. Some people seem to be more eas­ ily snared by Satan than others. Hymanaeus denied the reality of the resurrection by teaching that it was already over with for the be­ liever. He made this great event only figurative rather than literal (I Corinthians 15:12). There was no doubt about the doom of a blasphemer under the Old Testament law. He would be killed by stoning (Leviticus 24:1 Off). What would happen if, in America, suddenly the Lord were to pro­ nounce physical death on every­ one who blasphemed the name of the Lord? There would not be enough undertakers, ministers, cof­ fins, and cemeteries to bury the dead! Hymanaeus, along with Alexan­ der, was delivered to Satan. We must remember that the devil is the lord over all outside the church. To exclude an individual from fel­ lowship is a very severe punish­ ment. The devil can only act under the permissive will of Cod (Job 1:12, 2:26). He is definitely limited in his power. To permit him tem­ porarily to abuse a blasphemer is not sealing the individual's doom at all. Corrective discipline has for its purpose the recovery of that person from grievous backsliding

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