An elderly minister remarked that very few in his congregation wanted to play "second fiddle." Yet that is the instrument which produces the sweetest harmony. This egotistical attitude of being number one does not come from the Holy Spirit. It is of the flesh and is proof of spiritual carnality. We ought to be very careful when chosen for a position of service. Let us not let it go to our heads (Colossians 3:23). The first deacons were selected by the people and were to be their servants (Acts 6:1-6). The word "deacon" really means "servant." The sin that ensnared Diotrephes was one of the most subtle to dis cern. There is the tendency to jus tify our own desire for leadership by thinking that we are the best qualified after all. Paul warned of this (Romans 12:3). There is def inite danger in the over-estimation of self and the under-estimation of others. Humility is that strange substance which, the moment you think you have it, you have lost it! Diotrephes will always be re membered as the lover of personal power and authority. We have known churches where the minis ter made it very clear that he was the boss. He acted like a dictator. From a New Testament point of view this is absolutely wrong. He maintains his honored position be cause of his devotion and dedica tion to the Lord. The devil loves to expand the ego until we may feel we really are something special. Unfortunately, there are two ex tremes among the membership of our churches. Many will accept no responsibility or authority whatso ever. They studiedly avoid involve ment. You are needed in your church if you love the Lord. Offer
to help. Teach a Sunday school class, sing in the choir, be on some committee, if you are qualified. There are plenty of jobs to be done. There are relatively few w ill ing to offer themselves. Maybe you have had some bitter experience from a previous encounter. It may have made you afraid and perhaps even sarcastic. Do not be like that! God will take care of the guilty party. You do not need to "nurse your grudge." Do not hold it against the Lord and His church. Put your shoulder to the wheel and do something for God and His glory. Keith L. Brooks observed, "Alas, many a church is troubled by a Diotrephes who demands preem inence. The master passion of such people is to snap their fingers and see others jump. Because of their presence, many a pastor becomes merely a 'yes man' likened unto the church custodian of whom we once heard. For many years this janitor had been bossed around by differ ent groups of men and women in the congregation. Yet, he managed to get along harmoniously some how. One day he was asked how it was that he could be so submis sive to those who treated him rude ly. He responded, 'I just put my self in neutral and let them push me around' " That may be one way to do it, but it perhaps is not the best. Would-be dictators thrive on such spineless reaction to their ego tistical commands. Unfortunately, there are men and women who will ruin the church if they cannot run it. This can be a tragedy to any congregation. What else do we know about Diotrephes? Was he a great soul- winner? As a businessman did he
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