this fact. It is a fact from Scripture that by woman sin entered into the hu man race. Eve was the first to be deceived, while Adam partook on ly of her sin. Through woman was also born the Saviour of the world. The gospel records show that wo men were among those who fol lowed Jesus. He appealed to all classes of people as well as to both sexes. The lives of these were touched and changed by His won derful touch. In the great com pany of those who followed the Lord on the way to Calvary, ac cording to Luke 23:27, only wo men mourned and lamented the Saviour. Jesus Christ has lifted wo men from the bondage of slavery under the yoke of heathenism. Mary Magdalene was delivered from seven demons which Jesus cast out of her life. The powers of darkness seemed to concentrate about Christ in His earthly minis try. Being a doctor, Luke could discern between physical and spir itual symptoms. It is my conviction that many activities of our own day can only be accounted for by the influence of unclean, evil spir its who possess and control indi vidual lives. The Saviour in His day, with supernatural wisdom, was able to discern the presence of evil spirits. More than this, however, as the Son of God, He had the power to cast them out. Demon possession takes various forms. Sometimes it can be culti vated and sophisticated. At other points it is very crude and heath enish. The latter is more discern ible in uncivilized parts of the world. To study this subject can become very morbid if one allows it to become an obsession. Keep in mind that there is only one dev-
advantage. To want to be first is taking a position directly opposed to that of Jesus Christ. To take such authority is in direct disobedience to the Word of God. If the Saviour is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all! The Father has honored the Son. He has put all things under His feet (Ephes ians 1:22, 23). The place of preem inence is reserved only for Him. Anyone who seeks to occupy the chief place, standing first among the children of God, is in rebel lion against the true Head of the church. I believe that when a con gregation calls a pastor they rightly expect him to give them leadership. There is nothing wrong with that. There is a difference, however, be tween exercising divine leadership and being a Diotrephes. The church today needs fewer disciples of men and more dedi cated followers of Christ. The de sire for personal exaltation is also opposed to the instruction of Je sus Himself (Matthew 23:12). Yes, spiritual pride and the love of pre eminence are contrary to all of the principles of Biblical Christianity. May the lesson of Diotrephes be very clear in our minds and under standing. A DELIVERED WOMAN’S DEVOTION One of the most interesting wo men portrayed on the pages of the Word of God is Mary Magdalene. Having been delivered from de mons by the Saviour she displayed her immense appreciation for ev erything Jesus Christ had done for her (Luke 8:2). Never forget that the Lord alone has the power to deliver men from darkness and wickedness. Mary was a wonder ful, glowing testimony concerning
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