is a D eac J M an ! Looking for that BLESSED hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Je su s Christ. Titus 2:13 What a contrast. The dead are the blessed for Hesiod and even Solomon. Not because they are in paradise — but because they are through living. But the living rejoice with Paul as he looks with Titus for that blessed hope of the return of our Savior. What a blessed hope it is. In I Peter 1:3; Peter says we have a lively hope — or vibrant and living hope or expectation — because we are awaiting a greater life, not just death. BLESSED be the God and Father of our Lord Je su s Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has be gotten us again unto a LIVELY hope by the resurrection of Je su s Christ from the dead. I Peter 1:3 Words change their meaning and life adds a new dimension when the risen Lord becomes our Savior. A lot of years separate Hesiod from Paul and Peter. But the resurrection of Christ makes an even greater distinction between “the blessed” dead of Hesiod and the “ blessed hope” of those alive in our risen Lord. Page 5
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