Biola Broadcaster - 1972-04

Because of strict Jewish Sabbath regulations it had been hastily placed in Joseph's tomb (John 19:42). Mary Magdalene told Peter and John what she had seen. They ran toward the grave and Peter, in his usual impulsive manner, plunged into the tomb as soon as he got there (John 20:6). There were the grave clothes with the wrapping intact. John believed im­ mediately (vs. 8). The men were satisfied with this marvelous mir­ acle and returned with the good news to the others. Mary Magdalene was drawn back to the tomb. She had not heard the angelic announcement and now considered the evidence inside. She stood outside weeping (vs. 11). Once more looking inside she saw two angels in white. One was sit­ ting at the head and the other at the feet of where the body of Je­ sus had been (vs. 12). She believed that somebody maliciously had re­ moved Christ's body. Even the presence of angels did not relieve her confusion. Only one Person would satisfy her grief. She wanted to see the risen Saviour Himself. How we today should have hearts hungry for the presence and bless­ ing of the Lord. We cannot be sat­ isfied with substitutes. As a result Mary Magdalene was the first to see the Lord (vrs. 11-18). At first she did not know who it was. Many times, under less try­ ing conditions, you and I also are very slow to sense the blessed nearness of the Lord. On her part there was no lack of devotion. She needed only spiritual understand­ ing. Then the Saviour called her by name (vs. 16). It was the same voice which had called her out of spiritual darkness when the seven demons were replaced by light and

peace. She had found her Lord alive. This was the resurrection's first glad cry of recognition. The heart was filled with love and joy over renewed fellowship. She was chosen to be the first faithful wit­ ness to the resurrection (vs. 18). Certain lessons stand out in this entire account of Mary Magdalene. One is that the demons or evil spirits possess bodies of those who permit them entrance. Think of our own land with the rise in cult- ism, demonology, and Satan wor­ ship. It is becoming more and more rampant. The gospel writers carefully distinguish between dis­ ease and insanity as opposed to actual demon possession. We must make the same distinction. In any case Mary was miracu­ lously delivered and thereafter de­ voted her entire life to the service of Christ. It seems that these wo­ men followers of Jesus revealed al­ most more love for Him than even the disciples. We live in the midst of unbelief today. Men shout their defiance of God in many ways. Yet, you may be sure that there's a day of reckoning and judgment com­ ing. Every man must stand before the Lord. It is a wise person who stay away from everything that would hinder him from a full glimpse of Jesus Christ. How fool­ ish of man to throw away the only Map that can lead him to heaven. How busy are you? Do you take time for fellowship with Christ? Mary Magdalene was filled with a sense of gratitude. In mercy Jesus delivered her from demons. She had been loosed and set free so that sh could serve Him. She never doubted the power of the Lord, nor can we. May her life of eager and devoted service eb a rich les­ son for us as well. Page 51

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