Biola Broadcaster - 1972-04

stored Peter to a place of fruitful service for Christ. John Wesley said, “ You have on­ ly one business after you become a Christian, and that is the salva­ tion of souls." David Brainerd, that great missionary to the North Amer­ ican Indians, testified in his diary, “ I cared not how I lived nor what hardships I went through, if I could only win souls to Christ." Any preacher, as well as layman, can count his ministry a failure unless

souls are won to the Saviour. Can we learn these lessons about Peter and his life for the Lord? We are not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought. Instead we are to be men and women who are really doing God's will in God's own purpose and time. We labor not with our own strength, but with that overcoming power which the Holy Spirit bestows upon us through His indwelling peace.

Vincent Morris, Torrey Conference Coordinator, and Marlene Inlow, Secretary to Paul Schwepker, spent many hours before and during the Conference keeping everything on schedule. Page 56

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