are jointly and severally liable for the oHG's debts and liabilities. The oHG must be entered in the commercial register and registered with the local trade office. The application to the commercial register must be made by all partners and be certified and filed by a notary. The expenses for registration vary but are about EUR 400. Fees for legal counsel are not included. f. Limited Partnership (KG) The limited partnership (Kommanditgesellschaft, KG) is a legal form related to the oHG, but with the option of limiting the liability of some of the partners. This legal form is suitable for medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking additional start-up capital but wishing to limit individual responsibility. At least one partner, the general partner (Komplementär), is personally liable without limitation. The liability of the limited partners ( Kommanditisten ) is limited to their respective share of the partnership capital. A KG offers greater flexibility compared to other forms of partnerships as the capital base can be increased by including additional limited partners. A KG is established when a partnership agreement between two or more partners (including at least one limited and one unlimited partner) is concluded. It is advisable for the partnership agreement to be made in writing. The liability of the limited partner will only become limited once the registration of the KG and the subscribed partnership contribution has been entered in the commercial register (which is obligatory). The application to the commercial register must be made by all partners and be certified and filed by a notary. The costs for registration vary but are about EUR 400. A KG must then be

registered with the local trade office. Fees for legal counsel are not included. g. GmbH & Co. KG The GmbH & Co.KG is a limited partnership (KG) in which the general partner (Komplementär) is a limited liability company ( GmbH ). The GmbH is fully liable for the GmbH & Co. KG's debts and liabilities. The liability of the limited partners ( Kommanditisten ) is limited to their respective share of the partnership capital. This hybrid form is suitable for entrepreneurs wishing to limit their liability while enjoying the flexibility of a non-incorporated business. Because of its flexibility, the legal form GmbH & Co. KG is especially appropriate for medium- sized businesses and family companies. The GmbH & Co. KG is established through the conclusion of a partnership agreement between the general partner and the limited partners (advisably in writing). Typically, the shareholders of the general partner (GmbH) are identical to the limited partners of the KG. In line with the registration formalities of the KG, the GmbH & Co KG must be entered in the commercial register and registered with the local trade office. The liability of the limited partner will become limited once the KG and the subscribed partnership contribution are registered in the commercial register. The application to the commercial register must be made by all partners and be certified and submitted by a notary. The costs for registration in the commercial register vary but are about EUR 400. Fees for legal counsel are not included. h. Branch Offices Any foreign company with a head office and registered business operations outside of Germany can establish a German branch office. A branch office is a suitable business form for a

ILN Corporate Group – Establishing a Business Entity Series

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