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Nicholas Fournier, DD
Loss of teeth!
Tooth loss is not the only problem. Much is said about keeping your own natural teeth healthy. If time comes that teeth need to be pulled out, most often there are underlying causes. Many people don’t realize that when you lose your teeth, the bone shrinks away. What does that mean when you need to replace the missing teeth? A few things are important to consider when teeth need to be replaced. There are only two options available: insert implants, if there is adequate bone to secure the implant, or a fitted partial or complete denture or a combination of both. Now here’s where the bone is important. If there is not enough bone, dentures will not work well and implant placement might be impossible. Severe bone loss and denture are a horrible outcome. Some patients already suffer from an important amount of bone loss from periodontal disease leaving the dentist with little bone left to work with after the teeth are removed. So what to do? I suggest contacting us to discuss your situation beforehand and plan out possibly a bone preservation therapy to keep whatever bone is left. If your family, friends or neighbours tell you that dentures are great, function well and they, themselves, have no problems, well take that with a grain of salt because your mouth is probably not the same. Get the true facts from a dental professional to discuss your situation.
L’équipe de hockey féminine Clarence-Rockland Lightning a défilé, juste derrière un camion de pompiers orné de lumières. -photo Christopher Smith
Remax and Simon Landscaping collaborated to put together a charming tableau of Christmas real estate. —photo Christopher Smith
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
onto Laurier from Heritage Drive and procee- ded down the length of the city. There were horses and firetrucks and antique tractors BMMBHMPX BOESJHIUOFBSUIFFOEFWFOUIF Grinch showed to try and upstage Santa BOE.ST$MBVT The Clarence-Rockland Girl’s Hockey Asso- ciation and the Clarence-Rockland Public -JCSBSZXFSF SJHIUOFBS UIF GSPOU GPMMPXFE closely by a mannequin on a glowing ladder GPS/ÊSÊF-BWJDUPJSF3PPàOH5IF3PDLMBOE "DBEFNZPG.BSUJBM"SUTIBEBMBSHFUSBJMFS
PGTUVEFOUTBOE UFBDIFST BOE UIF ZFBS old Brauwerk Hoffman Brewery had some QFPQMF SPMMJOHQBTUXJUIáBHTEFDPSBUJOH their vehicle. Remix Dance had a trailer of IBZCBMFT BOE3FNBYDPMMBCPSBUFEXJUI Simon Construction and Landscaping to put UPHFUIFSBTIJOJOHIPVTFTDFOF DPNQMFUF with snowman out front. 5IPVHI UIFOJHIUXBTDPME POMPPLFST were warmed by the display. The parade MBTUFENJOVUFT BGUFSXIJDI UIFDSPXE quickly dispersed.
The pitch-black night was lit up with the lights and sounds of Christmas in downtown Rockland over the December 4 weekend. Both sides of Laurier Street were lined with onlookers as the Christmas Parade of Lights shimmered past early Saturday FWFOJOH.PSFUIBOáPBUT EFDPSBUFEGPS $ISJTUNBTBOEGFTUPPOFEXJUIMJHIUT UVSOFE
Les fantômes ne se reposent pas, même à Noël. Qui allez-vous appeler ? —photo Christopher Smith
Independent doesn’t carry Who Hash because the Grinch already stole it all. —photo Christopher Smith
Mille raisons de sourire
Consultez-nous pour un service adapté à vos besoins et votre personnalité.
613-446-3336 fournierdenturistclinic.ca 2911 rue Laurier, bureau 105, Rockland , ON
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