Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

APPROVED BY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE COUNCIL Document Owner: CoM Sr. Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Operating Procedure/Guideline Industry Relationships

Effective Date: 4/11/2019

Category: CoM-HR

Responsible Office(s): CoM Dean

Prior Effective Date: N/A

Applicable for: CoMFaculty/Providers and Staff


In pursuit of its mission as a public institution of higher education, the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Medicine (CoM) seeks excellence in the quality of its research, in the teaching and education it provides to its students, and to improve the health of the public through the delivery of effective and efficient clinical care. The success of the CoM depends upon the integrity of its members and the public’s confidence in it. This shared mission requires that faculty, students, trainees, and staff in the CoM interact with representatives of the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, and hospital equipment supply industry (hereinafter “Industry”), in a manner that advances the use of the best available evidence so that medical advancements and new technologies become broadly and appropriately available. Interactions with Industry occur in a variety of contexts, including marketing of new pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and hospital and research supplies on-site, on-site training of newly purchased devices, the development of new devices, educational support of medical students and trainees, and continuing medical education. Faculty and/or trainees may also participate in interactions with Industry off campus and in scholarly publications in a variety of circumstances including consulting activities of various sorts. While the interaction with Industry can be beneficial, and is important for promoting the educational, clinical and research missions of the CoM and for translating knowledge and expertise from the faculty to society and the community, Industry influence can also result in unacceptable conflicts of interest that may lead to increased costs of healthcare, compromised patient safety, negative socialization of students and trainees, biased research results, and diminished confidence and respect among patients, the general public and regulatory officials. Because the provision of financial support or gifts, even in modest amounts, may exert subtle but measurable impact on recipients’ behavior, the CoM has adopted the following policy to govern the interactions between Industry and CoM personnel.

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the CoM that clinical decision-making, education, and research activities be free from influence created by improper financial relationships with, or gifts provided by, Industry. For purposes of this policy, “Industry” is defined as any person or any public, private or not-for-profit entity that is not directly affiliated with UC and that is engaged in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology industries, and their representatives acting in their official capacity. The term “Industry” does not include professional associations, not-for-profit volunteer health organizations, academic institutions or not-for-profit hospitals that are not substantially controlled by Industry and provide medical research/education-related products and services. Interactions with Industry should be conducted in such a manner so as to identify and address conflicts of interest and to comply with relevant provisions of University Policy and applicable law.

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