Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022


With your Sun Life coverage, you receive an emergency travel assistance program and ID-theft protection services provided by Assist America. This travel emergency assistance program immediately connects you to doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other services if you experience a medical or non-medical emergency while traveling 100 miles away from your permanent residence, or in another country. One simple phone call to Assist America will connect you to: • A state-of-the-art 24/7 Operations Center • Experienced, multilingual crisis management professionals

• Worldwide emergency response capabilities • Air and ground ambulance service providers

Calls to Assist America’s Operations Center are evaluated by medical personnel and referred to qualified doctors and/or hospitals. Assist America fosters prompt hospital admission outside the United States by validating the member’s health coverage or by advancing funds to the hospital as needed. Foreign Hospital Admission Assistance If adequate medical facilities are not available locally, Assist America will use whatever mode of transport, equipment and personnel necessary to evacuate a member to the nearest facility capable of providing a high standard of care. Assist America’s medical personnel will maintain regular communication with the member’s attending physician and/or hospital and relay information to the family, as appropriate. Medical Monitoring If a member still requires medical assistance upon being discharged from a hospital, Assist America will repatriate them home or to a rehabilitation facility with a medical or non-medical escort, as necessary. Medical Repatriation Medical Consultation, Evaluation & Referral Emergency Medical Evacuation TRAVEL ASSISTANCE SERVICES

Care of Minor Children

Assist America will arrange for the care of children left unattended as the result of a medical emergency and pay for any transportation costs involved in such arrangements. If a member is traveling alone and will be hospitalized for more than seven days, Assist America will provide economy, round-trip, common carrier transportation to the place of hospitalization for a designated family member or friend. Compassionate Visit Assist America will assist with the logistics of returning a member’s remains home in the event of his or her death during travel. Other non-medical emergency assistance services include: • Return of Vehicle • Lost Luggage & Document Assistance • Legal & Interpreter Referrals • Emergency Message Transmission • Bail Bond & Emergency Cash Coordination • Emergency Trauma Counseling • Pre-trip Information Return of Mortal Remains

Prescription Assistance

If a member needs a replacement prescription while traveling, Assist America will help in filling that prescription.

For more information, visit www.assistamerica.com.

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Value-added services are not available in New York. Value-added services are not insurance, are offered only on specific lines of coverage, and carry a separate charge, which is added to the cost of the insurance. The cost is included in the total amount billed. Emergency Travel Assistance is provided by Assist America®. Identity Theft Protection is provided by SecurAssist®, an Assist America program. Sun Life is not responsible or liable for care, services, or advice given by any provider or vendor of the Services. Sun Life reserves the right to discontinue any of the Services at any time. Employers who provide group insurance coverage and make available value added services within an I.R.C. Section 125 cafeteria plan should consult a tax professional to determine whether those services are Qualified Benefits for Section 125 plans. In all states except New York, group insurance policies are underwritten by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Wellesley Hills, MA). GVASBCH-EE-039 SLPC 29750

Reference # 01-AA-SUL-100101 If you require assistance when traveling 100 miles from your permanent residence, or in another country, call Assist America’s Operations Center at:

+1 609 986 1234 (outside USA - Collect Call) +1 800 872 1414 (inside USA - Toll Free) Or email at: medservices@assistamerica.com

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