Assist America offers prevention and resolution tools to safeguard your data and restore its integrity if it is used fraudulently. These services include: 24/7 Access to Identity Protection Experts You have 24/7 direct emergency access to ID Theft Protection experts who can provide guidance in dealing with identity fraud issues. Credit Card and Document Registration Register your details using our secure website to store information from credit cards, banks and other important document in a single, centralized and secured location. Internet Fraud Monitoring Upon registration, we use a real-time web-crawling technology to monitor any sign of your registered personal data on suspicious sites. You will receive automatic warning notifications if it is discovered that your data is being used fraudulently. 24/7 Identity Fraud Support If you are a victim of identity fraud, a dedicated ID Theft Protection expert will guide you in mitigating the consequences of the fraud. Your caseworker will also notify credit and debit card issuers if your credit or debit card(s) is lost or stolen. To activate these identity protection services, visit: DOWNLOAD THE MOBILE APP Access a wide range of global emergency assistance services from your phone by downloading the FREE Assist America Mobile App for iPhone and Android. The Mobile App’s features include: • Tap for Help: One-touch call to our 24/7 Operations Center • Pre-Trip Information: Access detailed country-specific information to prepare your trip • Digital ID Card: Your Assist America membership card is stored inside the App • Travel Alerts: Receive alerts on urgent global situations that may impact travel • Travel Status Indicator: This feature indicated when you are eligible for services • Embassy & U.S. Pharmacy Locator: Locate the nearest embassy/consulate of 23 countries around the world and the nearest pharmacies in the U.S. • Available in 7 Languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Thai, Bahasa, and French Complete the set-up process by entering your Assist America reference number 01-AA-SUL-100101 .
Assist America will not provide services in the following instances: • Travel undertaken specifically for securing medical treatment • Travel by a Participant’s spouse when it is for the benefit of the spouse’s employer (spouse business travel) • Injuries resulting from participation in acts of war or insurrection • Commission of unlawful act(s) • Attempt at suicide • Incidents involving the use of drugs unless prescribed by a physician • Transfer of member from one medical facility to another medical facility of similar capabilities and providing a similar level of care Assist America will not evacuate or repatriate a member: • Without medical authorization • With mild lesions, simple injuries such as sprains, simple fractures, or mild sickness which can be treated by local doctors and do not prevent the member from continuing his/her trip or returning home • With a pregnancy over 28 weeks • With mental or nervous disorders unless hospitalized Services will not be provided for the following types of travel: • Trips exceeding 90 days from legal residence without prior notification to Assist America (separate purchase of Expatriate Coverage is available at www.assistamerica. com/expatriate) While assistance services are available worldwide, transportation response time is directly related to the location/jurisdiction where an event occurs. Assist America is not responsible for failing to provide services or for delays in the delivery of services caused by strikes or conditions beyond its control, including by way of example and not by limitation, weather conditions, availability of airports, flight conditions, availability of hyperbaric chambers, communications systems, or where rendering of service is limited or prohibited by local law or edict. All consulting physicians and attorneys are independent contractors and not under the control or responsibility of Assist America.
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Please provide the following information when you call:
• Your name, phone number and relationship to the patient • Patient’s name, age, gender • The Assist America reference number • Name, location and phone number of hospital or treating doctor if applicable Attention: This card is not a medical insurance card. All services must be provided by Assist America. No claims for reimbursement will be accepted. The holder of this card is a member of Assist America and is entitled to its medical and personal services.
is a registered service mark of Assist America, Inc.
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