Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

ESS Job Aid Employee Self-Service (ESS) is the University ’ s employee website where you complete tasks such as enroll in UC benefits, set up direct deposit, enroll in life insurance, view pay stubs, and request time off. To download or print this job aid, please use the menu indicated by the three dots in the upper right - hand corner of the screen.

Step 1: Update Your Central Login Account

As a new employee, you need to update your central login information. You will use these credentials to login to most UC platforms.

1. Navigate to the IT@UC homepage at https://ituc.service-now.com/sp

2. Click on My Password

3. This will open the password self-service page. Log in using your username and password provided in the next step

4. Username and temporary password

a. Name: First Name Last Name

b. Username: See your email for your username

c. Temporary Password: Uc!mmddyyyy ( Enter your birthday month, day, and year in place of mmddyyyy)

5. This temporary password can only be used 5 times. Follow the on-screen prompts to update your password. If you need any assistance, call the UC Help Desk at (513) 556-4357

Step 2: VPN Access

If you are trying to log into UC Flex/ESS from a network that is not the UC network, you will need to use AnyConnect. Please view the VPN Installation and Use Instructions to download and activate AnyConnect.

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