Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

conflict of interest or a conflict of commitment; 2. If there are questions about the appropriateness of a potential activity and whether or not it qualifies for disclosure, discuss the activity with the direct supervisor, Department Chairperson, Section Chief or Center Director, the Conflict of Interest Committee, Industry Interactions Committee, or, for faculty, the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Development; and 3. Disclose activities using the Outside Activities Report (OAR) system including all outside and consulting activities, before undertaking the activities. All faculty and staff must receive approval from their direct supervisor (Department Chairperson, Center Director, Section Chief, etc.) and respective Dean prior to engaging in collateral employment or outside activities (University Board Rules 30-21-02 and 30-21-03).

General Prohibited Activities

CoM personnel conducting affairs on behalf of the university, including hiring and procurement, must do so in a manner that is objective, ethical, and has integrity. This includes individuals who use a Purchasing Card (P-Card) for the purpose of procuring goods or services for UC or one of its associated organizations. Regarding external interests and activities, the following actions by CoM personnel are prohibited: 1. Using the University name, marks, or logos for advertising purposes without prior Institutional approval; 2. Using any University address or official stationary of the University for personal or non- University business without prior approval; 3. Using University personnel, equipment, or services for personal gain without prior Institutional approval (e.g., facilities use agreement, sponsored research agreement or other appropriate contractual arrangement; or where de minimis, through the OAR approval process); 4. Using position or role to determine or influence the hiring, promotion, reappointment, evaluation, responsibilities, salary and termination status for an immediate family member; 5. Using position or role to determine or influence the selection of a vendor, in which you or your immediate family member have an interest, to provide goods or services to the University. Regarding external interests and activities and the design, conduct, reporting of research or scholarly activity, the following actions by CoM personnel are prohibited: 1. Using nonpublic research information to buy or sell stock; 2. Disclosing nonpublic research information or any other proprietary information to investment companies or other third parties for personal gain. Note: Individuals who have access to preliminary nonpublic research results related to clinical trials or other research with potential commercial value may be considered insiders for purposes of federal insider trading laws if the research is sponsored by companies with publicly traded stock.

Industry Interactions

College of Medicine Operating Procedure/Guideline Industry Relationships, Page 4 of 12

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