Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022


Gifts to CoM Personnel The CoM recognizes that the acceptance of gifts, even in modest amounts, can exert influence on the recipients’ behavior. CoM personnel should avoid even the appearance that their professional decisions might be influenced by any perceived or actual benefits from Industry. Accordingly, CoM personnel may not accept any personal gifts from industry under any circumstances. Examples of gifts include: Entertainment Goods or services for personal use Travel Gifts to CoM Gifts that directly support the mission of UC CoM, (e.g., samples for evaluation, contributions towards seminars or other internal conferences, items of educational value such as books), may not be donated directly to CoM personnel under any circumstances, but may be donated to UC CoM, subject to the following: A. Gifts for research and educational purposes: Industry may support the research and educational missions of the CoM by providing unrestricted research or educational grants or gifts of the following items: books, instruments, equipment, research samples (e.g., reagents, antibodies, PCR kits, etc.) or teaching aids. Such unrestricted grant or gift funds will be placed in an appropriate UC CoM/UC Health account controlled by or accessible to the Dean of the CoM or its academic units and that is managed pursuant to UC/UC Health and or UC Foundation policies and procedures. Educational materials may be gifted by Industry to the CoM for use by CoM personnel and students provided such materials are approved by the academic unit head and have no branding beyond a logo on the cover or device. Gifts containing industry brands and/or logos such as clocks, pens, post-it pads, posters, etc. are marketing tools and must not be displayed in clinical and teaching areas. Anatomic models or charts that are deemed important for patient education and/or the CoM educational mission are permitted, but non-branded versions are preferred. Industry sponsored literature, models, and research samples may be utilized with the following provisions intended to minimize marketing and advertising influence: 1. The materials are used solely for education or research purposes. 2. COM personnel decide when they are utilized, not the Industry representative. 3. The materials are not overtly promotional in nature. 4. The recipient of the research sample, instrument, or equipment is not subject to any implicit or explicit expectation of providing something in return for the gift, i.e., a “quid pro quo”. 5. The educational literature and models must not be displayed publicly in a manner intended for the purpose of industry or product promotion.

B. Pharmaceutical samples: CoM Personnel may not accept pharmaceutical samples for patient care or personal use except as permitted by UC Health policies or that of the

College of Medicine Operating Procedure/Guideline Industry Relationships, Page 5 of 12

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