Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022


Outside employment, consulting activities, and financial interests of CoM personnel may be disallowed if they result in conflicts with the employee’s duties, responsibilities, and obligations to the CoM as set forth in University of Cincinnati’s regulations and policies. It is the responsibility of the CoM personnel to ensure that no consulting or employment agreement that he or she enters into violates any University of Cincinnati regulations and policies as well as state and federal laws.


CoM personnel may serve as speakers to present information relevant to Industry’s products. Such speaking opportunities may serve to provide necessary scientific and educational information to the medical and health care provider community. CoM personnel may spend time and effort apart from their assigned CoM duties in preparing for such presentations, and compensation by Industry may be offered. CoM personnel are permitted to speak on behalf of Industry but this must be conducted as an approved outside activity. The CoM personnel must disclose the activity via the OAR system prior to engaging in the outside activity. Approval may be dependent upon whether the CoM personnel is meeting his or her Departmental assignments and expectations. Speaking engagements will be permitted for one year (12 months) renewable terms. Payment to CoM personnel must be commensurate with the tasks performed considering the CoM personnel’s specialty, expertise, experience, and regional/national/international reputation. Speaking relationships must not function as de facto gifts from Industry or marketing of Industry products. Faculty are prohibited from receiving a retainer or other similar payments simply for being a member of a speakers’ bureau. Any payments for involvement with a speaker’s bureau must be in relation to actually performing a service as a speaker, lecturer, etc. Faculty are prohibited from participating in and receiving an honorarium for an Industry sponsored speaker’s bureau event when the sole goal of the activity is marketing of the vendor’s products. Any gathering where information is presented must be primarily dedicated to informing healthcare professionals about a product or treatment, providing scientific information, and promoting educational discourse on the topic presented. Meals must be reasonable as judged by local standards and not be part of an entertainment or recreational event. A CoM personnel’s spouse or other guest in a meal accompanying an informational presentation made by or on behalf of Industry is not appropriate.

The content of the presentation should be produced by or fully vetted by the CoM personnel for scientific accuracy. The CoM reserves the right to review all content for appropriateness.

If an Industry engagement requires that use of Industry prepared presentation materials on drug products, then the materials must follow pharmaceutical guidelines and present information on the FDA-approved use of the drug product.

Speakers and their materials should clearly identify the company that is sponsoring the presentation and the fact that the speaker is presenting on behalf of the company.

College of Medicine Operating Procedure/Guideline Industry Relationships, Page 7 of 12

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