Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

The CoM shall not sponsor or host any Industry speaker’s bureau activities unless these are part of a CoM CME-approved event.


CoM personnel may participate in or attend Industry-sponsored meetings, or other off-campus meetings where Industry support is provided, as long as: A. The activity is designed to promote evidence-based clinical care and/or advance scientific research; B. The financial support of Industry is prominently disclosed; C. Attendees do not receive gifts for attendance (attendees may be compensated for consultation services as part of their participation); D. Any meals provided are modest (i.e., the value of which is comparable to the Standard Meal allowance as specified by the United States Internal Revenue Service) and consistent with the educational or scientific purpose of the event. CoM personnel may accept an item with an Industry logo on it in conjunction with an educational conference (e.g., tote bag, a water bottle, etc.) if: A. The item has the name of the conference or sponsoring organization on it;

B. The item is provided by the educational conference; C. The items is provided to all conference attendees.

If a CoM personnel is participating as a speaker or presenter at an industry-sponsored event he or she must ensure: A. All lecture content is approved by the CoM personnel and reflects a balanced assessment of current knowledge, and the CoM personnel makes clear that the views expressed are the views of the speaker and not the CoM or UC Health; B. Compensation is reasonable and limited to reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses and a modest honorarium. C. Any honorarium in excess of $10,000 for a single event must be reviewed by the Industry Interactions Committee to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest. D. All honoraria must be disclosed in the OAR within 30 days of acquisition or discovery. Meetings with Industry regarding the potential purchase, lease or rental of equipment or services from Industry, and any meals provided at such a meeting must be in accordance with the policies of the respective purchasing department working with that CoM academic unit and the laws of the State of Ohio. In general, all costs for meals, travel, lodging, etc. for these meetings should be covered by a CoM department and not by Industry unless explicitly approved by a member of the purchasing department, senior administrator in the CoM, or the Industry Interactions Committee. Licensed providers should be aware of the Physician Payment Sunshine Act mandates that meals from Industry, which are commonly linked to industry-sponsored lectures, must now be reported and becomes part of the public domain. https://www.cms.gov/OpenPayments/Downloads/Affordable-Care-Act-Section-6002-Final- Rule.pdf.


College of Medicine Operating Procedure/Guideline Industry Relationships, Page 8 of 12

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