Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

UCP Retirement Planning Website and Retirement Service Center

By using the UCP Retirement Planning Website, you are able to enroll in the Plan(s), change your payroll contributions, make/update your beneficiary designations, and change your investment service provider. To access the UCP Retirement Planning Website, visit www.netbenefits.com/ucp .

If you have relationships with multiple organizations at Fidelity, you will see a pop up when logging on to NetBenefits ® . The pop up will ask you to choose which plan you are trying to access. It will also ask if you want to make that plan your default plan to avoid the pop up the next time you log in. Please know that you can change your default plan any time or never choose one. To reach the Retirement Service Center by phone:

You may also access your account or speak with a Customer Service Representative by calling Fidelity toll-free at 800-343-0860 , Monday through Friday (excluding New York Stock Exchange holidays), from 8 a.m. to midnight Eastern time.


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