Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

Industry representatives other than service personnel are not permitted on the premises of the CoM except for specific appointments with CoM personnel. Approvals may be granted on a per visit basis or as a standing appointment for a specific period of time.


The use of pharmaceutical samples for the purposes of clinical care should defer to the policies of the clinical entity in which the physician practices.


CoM personnel should be aware of the Standards for Commercial Support established by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). UC Continuing Medical Education (UC-CME) is dedicated to providing continuing education for physicians and other health professionals and they have established policies and procedures that address educational programs for practicing clinicians, including residents and fellows. These policies are available at https://uc.cloud-cme.com. All educational events organized by the CoM and sponsored by Industry, including those in an off-campus setting, must be fully compliant with ACCME guidelines, regardless of whether formal CME credit is awarded or not. In addition to the aforementioned ACCME Standards, educational events sponsored by Industry on the CoM campus shall comply with the following provisions: A. Funds for educational activities shall be provided to a central fund managed by the academic unit or division administrative office and not to individuals. The CME Office manages funds for certified CME activities through accounts set up by the CoM A&F Department. Contact the CME Office to make arrangements. B. Personal gifts of any type shall not be distributed to attendees or participants before, during, or after the activity, other than educational materials set forth in the Gift policy. Any items of value (gifts or other) provided to physician participants from industry are subject to being reported as a requirement of the Physician Payments Sunshine Act (PPSA), also known as section 6002 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, which requires medical product manufacturers to disclose to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) any payments or other transfers of value made to physicians or teaching hospitals. https://www.cms.gov/OpenPayments/About/Resources.html Industry Sponsorship COM personnel are prohibited from receiving funds directly to attend any CME or other education event from Industry. Industry wishing to provide support for attendance at a specific educational event should make a donation to the CoM to reduce the cost for all attendees. If Industry is interested in other support for an educational event or conference, including the purchase of food or rental of facilities, the Industry should make a monetary donation to the CoM academic unit for these purposes. If the activity is certified for CME credits, all grant funds and written Letters of Agreement must be managed through the CME Office, as described above. Exhibitor fees can be handled directly by the sponsoring department. In addition: A. The planning and coordination of the event must remain under control of the CoM/UC

College of Medicine Operating Procedure/Guideline Industry Relationships, Page 9 of 12

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