Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

Your Doximity Profile

About Us Doximity is the largest medical network for healthcare professionals, with over one million members on our platform. 75% of all U.S. physicians are using Doximity to connect, communicate, and improve their practice. Get Registered & Verified Existing Doximity Members 1. Go to the app store and download Doximity for free 2. Enter your First and Last Name 3. Click "Find My Profile" New Doximity Members 1. Go to the app store and download Doximity for free 2. Enter your First and Last Name 3. Click "Find My Profile" 4. Follow any additional prompts for information 5. Enter email address and create a password 6. Select Complete Registration 7. Begin the verification process and complete any any fields as prompted. 8. Once verified, you will have full Doximity access and be able to exchange secure messages and faxes

Profile Tips · How-to: To begin editing your profile, hover over your photo in the top right corner, select "profile" and then "edit profile" · Photo: We recommend a professional headshot for your profile, it's visible not only to referring physicians but to patients as well, and makes a big difference. You can edit your photo during registration, however, after registration it must be done via desktop. · Private Line: The "private line" field is only visible to another clinician you have accepted as a "colleague". The Private Line settings button can be found next to edit profile. · Update: Update all of your profile fields so referring physicians have the most accurate information.

Enabling Your Public Profile 1. Go to your profile and scroll down to the Public Profile section at the bottom

2. Click on the blue carrot next to the Public Profile. Note: Make sure you are in “editing mode” where each section is marked with blue carrots. If you are not, you can click the “Edit Profile” button on the top of your profile. 3. Once you click the blue carrot, you should reach this screen. Make sure to check the “Enable Public Profile” as shown and hit the “Save” button. Your public profile is now enabled.

Visit us: www.doximity.com Contact us: support@doximity.com

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