1 . Learn about your hospital . Learn About your hospital Our partnership with Doximity allows us to engage in an ongoing conversation with referring physicians in a way we haven't before. The right message at the right time may mean a patient gets the care they need when they need it most.” — Dr. Richard Milani, MD: Cardiologist, New Orleans, LA “
2 . READING v NEWS Doximity DocNews saves me the time and energy that would otherwise be spent scouring the internet for the breaking articles in radiation oncology. Now I can get the majority of that information in a single place — giving me more time to focus on patient care or learning how to become a better radiation oncologist.” — Trevor Royce, MD: Radiology, Boston, MA “
3 . Search, LEARN & Earn CATegory 1 CME . Search, learn EArn category cme Recently, a case of ARCAPA (anomalous right coronary artery arising from pulmonary artery) presented to my office. I researched this rare condition right before seeing my patient using CME search , then offered her the best advice based on data. I’ ve been using it more and more to find relevant articles in rare topics.” — Jose Taveras, MD: Cardiology, New York, NY “
4 . FAX At the airport, I used Doximity to fax an urgent order to a patient’s infusion center; they got the fax before I made it through security!” — Danielle Hardwood, MD: Family Medicine, Chico, CA “
5 .Secure Texting Yesterday, I used the app to get the cell number of the radiologist that read the cat scan, discuss results, text with patient’s nephrologist and get clearance faxed from patient’s cardiologist. All in 10 minutes.” — Andrew Tompkins, MD: Urology, West Warwick, RI “
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