Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

Table of Contents

A. Introduction

B. Components of Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving 1. Building Components 2. Emergency System Components 3. Area of Rescue Assistance

C. Building Hours and Security

D. Calling 911 On Campus/ UC Communications Center

E. Accounting for Occupants After Evacuations

F. Building Safety Point of Contact- Responsibilities and Contact Information

G. Persons with Disabilities – Special Circumstances 1. Fire Emergencies 2. Severe Weather Emergencies H. Emergency Types / Evacuation Rally Points 1. Fire i. Fire Drill ii. Fire Alarm 2. Severe Weather 3. Bomb Threats / Suspicious Activities

4. Illness or Injury 5. Active Shooter

I. Emergency Responders

J. Major Fire Hazards for Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving

K. Identification and Assignment of Personnel Responsible for Maintenance of Systems to Control and Prevent Fires.

L. Identification and Assignment of Personnel Designated for Information and Duties for a Building Emergency Plan.

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