Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

A. Introduction The University of Cincinnati is committed to providing a safe and environment for students, employees, and guests. One means of achieving that goal is the development of Building Emergency Plans. It is impossible to predict campus emergencies or the magnitude of such emergencies. The complexity of a campus like the University of Cincinnati requires the full support of departments, faculty, staff, and students to successfully implement a Building Emergency Plan. The development, distribution, and familiarization of Building Emergency Plans are essential for student and employee safety. Guidelines in this sample plan document are reflective of policies/procedures in place at the University of Cincinnati Department of Public Safety, Cincinnati Fire Department, and Ohio Fire Marshall. All permanent and transient building occupants should become familiar with the information contained in these Building Emergency Plans.

B. Components for Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving 1. Building Components

Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving has 8 floors. The entire building is equipped with pull stations, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and a sprinkler system. The main fire alarm panel is located inside of the main entrance doors. 2. Emergency System Components Audible fire alarms are designed to notify building occupants whenever fire alarm pull stations, smoke detectors, heat detectors, or fire sprinkler systems go into activation. Building occupants may receive additional verbal warning information through the fire alarm speaker system, and visual alarm notification via strobe warning lights, both co-located in most university buildings. Note: smoke and heat detector installation may be limited to specific areas of some buildings. Automatic fire sprinkler systems are used to protect building occupants and contents in residence halls, classrooms, meeting rooms, and most indoor places of assembly. Whenever anyone of these aforementioned systems is activated, notification is automatically transmitted to the University of Cincinnati 911 Communications Center responsible to dispatch appropriate resources to the respective emergency. Several different types of fire extinguishers are installed throughout university buildings. Specific building hazards are the key factor used to determine the types of fire extinguishers installed. Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving contains mostly ABC type extinguishers used for fires fueled by paper, flammable liquids, and electrical fires. Fire extinguishers are maintained by Facilities Management. 3. Area of Rescue Assistance (ARA) An ARA is an area where persons unable to use stairways can remain temporarily to await instructions or assistance during an emergency evacuation. For a complete list of ARA campus location, please see the UC Emergency Management website.

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