Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

C. Building Hours and Security Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving is unlocked and open to the public xxxxxx am to xxxxxx pm, Monday through Friday. Outside of those hours, access is limited to faculty and staff members with approved ID and who have been granted access by a supervisor. Some buildings may also be unlocked and occupied on weekends. D. Calling 911 on campus/ UC Communications Center The University of Cincinnati 911 Communications Center is interconnected with other communications centers operated by the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, and Clermont County. All four centers operate 24/365. All 911 calls using campus phones will be routed to the UC Communications Center regardless from which campus a call is placed. A 911 call from a cell phone will typically (but not always) be routed to the nearest city or county dispatch center. It is imperative that whenever placing a 911 call using a cell phone from any location that the caller provides the call-taker with the specific UC Campus and location where emergency assistance is needed. For example: 911 call takers are trained to ask callers, “911, where is your emergency”? The caller should reply, “ The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash Campus; Walters Hall; Room 144”. The city/county center receiving the call will ask for some additional information and then transfer the caller to the UC Communications Center while simultaneously notifying emergency responders in the appropriate geographical area. E. Accounting for Occupants After Evacuations Building Safety Points of Contact will attempt to account for all occupants after a building evacuation. Building occupants are strongly urged to check in at predetermined building evacuation collection points for accountability purposes, and so that emergency responders do not have to unnecessarily enter buildings searching for “missing” building occupants. Building Safety POCs will report any missing occupants and their last known location to emergency responders. F. Building Safety Points of Contact - Responsibilities and Contact Information Building Safety POCs are required for each Department. These individuals (or alternates) are responsible to make all reasonable efforts to ensure that evacuation/relocation takes place when an emergency alarm system is activated or a severe weather alert necessitates relocation within a building. Building Safety POCs will not jeopardize personal safety while attempting to ensure that building occupants have taken appropriate protective actions. Building Safety POCs are also responsible to account for departmental employees and visitors who may have assembled at the designated evacuation/relocation points post building evacuation/relocation. UC Public Safety Emergency Management and Fire Inspectors will provide additional information to Building Safety POCs and alternates upon request.

Building Safety POCs are responsible to maintain a list of Building Safety POC alternates, and to ensure that all building occupants have received a copy of the Building Emergency Plan.

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