Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

 Building Safety POCs will account for all employees and visitors and advise the fire department of relevant information. Note: advise the fire department of only the information that is known. Do not guess.  Building Safety POCs must report missing employees/visitors and the last known locations to emergency personnel  Await further instructions from emergency personnel  Do not reenter a building unless approved by emergency responders Fire Drill or Fire Alarm  Fire Drills are planned and scheduled. Public Safety conducts fire drills in university buildings as required by the Ohio Fire Code.  Fire Alarms are not planned and building emergency plans should be followed until the cause of the alarm has been determined or the emergency resolved. Note: Unless otherwise stipulated, the Ohio Fire Code mandates evacuation of building occupants whenever a fire alarm is activated. All fire alarms are emergencies until resolved by UC Public Safety or authorities having jurisdiction.

2. Severe Weather: Campus warning systems will be activated for tornado warnings (i.e. a tornado has been sighted in the alert area).

 Take shelter inside of a building relocation area designated for tornados. For a complete list of Severe Weather Shelter locations, please see the Emergency Management website.  Elevator use is restricted except for persons who are non-ambulatory  Severe weather safe locations for Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving are designated as the lowest level, interior hallway, lower stairwells, and any lower level restrooms without glass windows or doors  Await further instruction from Public Safety before leaving the relocation area 3. Bomb Threats / Suspicious Activities: In the event of a bomb threat, suspicious package or suspicious item:  Do not use cell phones or radios to make a report (e.g. cellular phones/radios could activate a bomb or suspicious device)  Call 911 using a landline phone  Do not move or open items  Remove all individuals from the immediate area, lock the door, secure the building, and assemble with your department on the sidewalk next to Children’s Hospital Medical Center. 4. Illness or Injury For illness or injuries requiring medical assistance, call 911 from a UC landline to reach the UC 911 Communications Center. Calling 911 from a cell phone will typically contact the nearest 911 Communications Center. However, when using a cell phone, make sure to inform the dispatcher of your exact location including campus, building, and room number.

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