Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

 After notifying 911, the dispatcher will send emergency medical assistance as needed  Someone should meet emergency services at the building entrance to escort emergency personnel directly to the ill/injured person

5. Active Shooter  RUN: 

If you can escape safely during an active shooter event then run  Run immediately – leave everything behind  Encourage others to escape with you, but do not wait for them to decide  Once you are safely away from the shooter, then call 911 and report the incident If escape appears impossible then hide  Lock and barricade doors, turn off lights, silence cell phones completely, and remain quiet  Take cover behind furniture or fixtures away from doorways  Stay away from windows  Silently notify UC Communications using the Bearcat Guardian App  Prepare yourself and others to fight if necessary

 HIDE: 

 FIGHT:  If running or hiding are not possible or fail, and confronted by the aggressor then fight  Use anything around you as a weapon to fi ght…there are no rules  Fight to create an opportunity to escape I. Emergency Responders Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving is served by UC Public Safety (513-556-1111) UC Environmental Health and Safety (513-556-4968) UC University Health Services and Facilities Management (513-558-2500)

All immediate emergency concerns can be directed through the UC 911 Communications, by dialing 911 from any UC phone.

J. Major Fire Hazards for Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving There are no major fire hazards in Medical Science Building, Service and Receiving . No large chemicals quantities are stored in this building . K. Maintenance of Systems to Control and Prevent Fires The fire alarm system is maintained by the UC Department of Public Safety. The UC Facilities Management Department maintains building operations and housekeeping. Both departments may be reached by contacting the University of Cincinnati Communications Center at 911 or 513-556-1111 (non-emergency).

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