Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

To edit Language: 4. In the Clinical Info tab, choose UCH Language . 5. Make your desired edits. 6. When you are done, click Submit , or click Submit and Add if you wish to add another item. To edit Areas of Interest: 1. In the Personal Info tab, choose Research and Practice Interests . 2. Make your desired edits. 3. When you are done, click Submit , or click Submit and Add if you wish to add another item. To edit Awards: 1. In the Other tab, choose Honors and Awards . 2. Make your desired edits. 3. When you are done, click Submit , or click Submit and Add if you wish to add another item. To edit Publications: 1. In the Other tab, choose Other Experience and Professional Memberships. 2. Make your desired edits. 3. When you are done, click Submit , or click Submit and Add if you wish to add another item. To edit Publications: Your publications will be populated from Scopus via your Scopus ID. If your Scopus ID has not been entered or was entered incorrectly, please follow these instructions: 1. In the Other tab, choose Personal Identifier IDs . 2. Enter the Type of ID. 3. Enter your ID Number (ID or name or account). 4. When you are done, click Submit , or click Submit and Add if you wish to add another item. PubMed will also populate your publications: 1. Go to Import Data on the main page that displays your professional photo, choose Pub Med . 2. The New Publications tab displays an automated search of your name. Check each publication you wish to have added to your profile, and click Import Selected at the bottom of thepage.

Please contact your EDBA or HR Consultant to update any data fields that are not editable.

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Revised

2/2021 |2

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