Dual Comp Staff Onboarding Binder 2022

Additional considerations

If I have other income

Income from other sources may reduce your benefit amount. These may include disability benefits from social security, retirement, government plans or state disability income; other group disability plans; no-fault benefits, salary continuance or sick leave, and return-to-work earnings.

If I can work while disabled

Your plan is designed to encourage and support your return to work. If you are able to work part-time for example, you may receive part of your benefit while working.

Long-term disability FAQs

What if I have a pre-existing condition? If you submit a claim within 12 months of your insurance taking effect, or 12 months following any increase in your amount of insurance], we will not pay any benefit for any pre-existing condition. A pre-existing condition includes anything you have sought treatment for in the 3 months prior to your insurance becoming effective. Treatment can include consultation, advice, care, services or a prescription for drugs or medicine. How do I file a claim after becoming disabled? Check with your employer to make sure you are eligible for benefits. Then, file a claim with Sun Life. We will ask for information from you about your doctor, your income, and your condition. We will ask for medical records and for your doctor to fill out a form about your condition and your expected recovery. You can download forms from our website.

How is my benefit taxed? If you pay for your coverage all post-tax, your benefit will not be taxable income or tax reported by us to the IRS. If you pay for your coverage all pre-tax, or if you pay for part of your coverage post-tax and your employer pays for the rest, or if your employer pays the entire premium, some or all of your benefit amount will be taxable income, which will be tax reported on a Form W-2 and it may have FICA tax deductions that reduce the amount we pay you. Please consult with a tax advisor or your employer if you have any questions. How do I qualify for benefits? You’ll start receiving disability payments if you satisfy the waiting period and meet the definition of disability if you’re insured when you become disabled.

Read the important planprovisions section for more informationincluding limitations and exclusions.

*SLF claims data, July 2018 **Realitycheckup.org, Council for Disability Awareness, 2018, citing Social Security Administration "Disability and Death Table s for Insured Workers Born in 1997," October 2017.

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