
Run for APEGA Council in Four Steps

STEP 3 Nominating Committee reviews your nomination • Nominating Committee reviews the information you submitted • You attend an interview • Nominating Committee decides whether to recommend you

You decide to run • Familiarize yourself with the nomination process • Read Councillor Terms & Duties • Self-assess your skills and experience against the 10 top-ranked Council needs

STEP 2 You complete the nomination section in the Member Self-Service Centre Your nomination must include: • support from at least 25 professional members in good standing • a current resume or curriculum vitae • an explanation of why you want to run for Council • a self-rating of your skills and experience

Congratulations! Your name is on the ballot • Names of candidates who successfully fulfill the nomination

requirements will appear on the ballot. • Those who received a recommendation from the Nominating Committee will have an asterisk beside their names.

10 | PEG FALL 2018

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