

Looking for Quality Professional Development? Hint Number One: Look to APEGA

If you’re looking for proven and appropriate profession- al development opportunities, APEGA is an excellent provider to include in your search. We base our selec- tion of sessions on: • the appropriateness of session content • the expertise and presentation skills of providers • the quality of delivery and materials We evaluate content and providers before, during, and after their sessions. We start by reviewing materials and contacting multiple sources for references. Then we improve sessions and coach providers, drawing upon our own expertise and session monitoring. Afterwards, we analyze the results of participant surveys. It’s a cycle of continuous improvement. We use what we learn to develop and sharpen the focus of sessions, and, when necessary, drop providers entirely. APEGA PD sessions are affordable and designed to support your own program of self-improvement, while you meet the requirements of APEGA’s mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program. We base content on six categories of competence: • Technical • Communication • Project and Financial Management • Team Effectiveness • Professionalism • Social, Economic, Environmental and Sustainability To these six, we’ve added a seventh PD category: Career Development. For the most part, our PD is offered in three terms: fall, winter, and spring (which includes the conference portion of the APEGA Annual General Meeting & Conference). We are also open, however, to holding sessions in the summer, if there’s enough demand. Our fall schedule kicked off earlier this month. A full listing appears on Page 13 of this PEG and online at

apega.ca., covering everything from project manage- ment to assertiveness in communication.

YOUR OWN VETTING PROCESS Your personalized program of professional develop- ment will, of course, require that you go beyond APEGA to meet some of your needs. Following are a few hints to help you find appropriate providers. 1. Whenever possible, attend sessions offered by established learning-oriented, professional, or technical organizations. They know their business, and they care about their reputations and the quality of their programs. 2. If you don’t know a lot about a provider or an organization offering PD, find out. Search the web. Speak to past participants. Ask a provider for references and contact them. 3. Identify the takeaways you need and want. 4. Check with the provider to find out whether the content meets your needs, as you’ve already listed them. Ask for a presentation outline. 5. Ask specific questions of a provider so you know even more about what to expect. Does the presentation include activities and participation? If so, please expand. Are there takeaways, such as copies of the slide deck? Is there proprietary information that the provider will not share? SUGGESTIONS? You can trust APEGA to deliver quality, professional content. Are we meeting your needs? Is there some- thing you would like us to present that you haven’t seen in our calendar? Are you a presenter seeking more information on possible inclusion in our PD offerings? Reach us at pd@apega.ca

FALL 2018 PEG | 15

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