Mid-Atlantic Advisory Board Reruitment packet REVISED Nov. …

Regional Advisory Board

The purpose of the Advisory Board is to provide leadership, strategic guidance and coordination to determine how to best implement programs and services, as defined by MADD National, to meet our local goals and objectives in order to achieve MADD’s mission. In addition, to work with MADD in our community and across the Mid Atlantic Region (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia) to broaden our operation and funding base. The following items outline the expectations and requirements of Advisory Board volunteers: Represent MADD’s Brand The advisory board is a leadership group that lends their influence and network to the organization while representing MADD’s brand with the highest level of integrity. Provide Guidance & Leadership The advisory board is not a governing body but assists in the creation and execution of the annual operations plans implemented to assist in the overall achievement of MADD’s Programs and Initiatives nationally. Regular meeting participation and attendance at a minimum of two annual events (i.e. Law Enforcement Recognition Event, Walk, Annual Candlelight Vigil, etc.) a year is required for all advisory board members. Share Sphere of Influence In an effort to achieve the strategic operational goals of the state, each advisory board member must be willing and able to share their sphere of influence and open their network to share the importance of MADD’s lifesaving work through the addition of one (1) additional advisory board recruit and a Give and/ or Get a minimum of at least $ 1000 annually. This could also include connecting regional leadership with key donors, community foundations or corporations to achieve its philanthropic mission. Further MADD’s Mission As a member of the community equally concerned about protecting our families and keeping our roads safe, you can play a significant role in saving lives by joining with MADD to accomplish these goals together. The advisory board is asked to help further the success of at least one project during the fiscal year. Minimum Time Requirements:

Minimum Time Requirements: Orientation Regular Meetings (1.5 hours x 6 meetings a year) Attendance at 2 MADD events Project participation

1 hour 9 hours 2-6 hours 2-6 hours


1 4 - 2 2 hours minimum

MADD Mid Atlantic Advisory Board Committee | © 2021 Mothers Against Drunk Driving

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