Special Advancement Edition LIA - US English - 202006


Kindel & Dennis Bonin OREGON Being Consistent Pays Off

Siemens, and develop more belief in yourself and do the work, even if you’re really scared.’” Kindel did the work and success followed. But that doesn’t mean it was always easy. “I feel like my superpower is consistency,” Kindel says. “I don’t have the fastest-advancing Melaleuca career, and I don’t work as many hours as others may, but I’m always focused on building my contact list and setting appointments—regardless of whether I’m working three hours a week or 30 hours a week. I’m always leading by example and encouraging my team to keep working, even when life hits them.” For those new to building a Melaleuca business, she offers simple but sage advice. “Try not to compare yourself with others,” she says, “because that can be distracting and unmotivating. Focus on what your strengths are and be consistent.” For Kindel and her family, consistency has paid off. With help from her Melaleuca income, her family was able to build a home that’s completely wheelchair accessible and enjoy family vacations that have created lifelong memories. Now her focus is on helping others enjoy similar blessings. “Melaleuca has allowed us to have a ‘can-do’ attitude and be problem solvers and resources for others,” Kindel says. “When you’re able to help someone change their life and their future, there is nothing that tops that. It almost makes me speechless to think about. It’s hard to articulate because it’s such a deep feeling.”

When Kindel first enrolled with Melaleuca, she was a bit skeptical. She ordered a Value Pack but didn’t throw away the box. She kept it and wrote on it the date the Satisfaction Guarantee would expire. “I literally wrote the date on the box, and then we just swapped out products,” Kindel explains. “I put the Melaleuca stuff in the cupboards and took the grocery store brands out and put them in the box, because I was sure I was going to end up returning them to my cupboards once I had a bad experience with the Melaleuca products. Then I would get my money back!” After she tried the Melaleuca products, however, her national brand products never went back into the cupboards. She could never go back. And Kindel has been a satisfied Melaleuca customer ever since. Kindel was content to simply use the products and share them with a few friends, but her focus changed when she learned her son had a genetic disorder that causes a gradual weakening of all his muscles. “That gave me a new sense of urgency,” Kindel says. “I knew I loved Melaleuca products, and I was getting a great check for the little bit of time I was putting in. So I said to myself, ‘You could listen to your enroller, [National Director 7] Sandie

“The real power of Melaleuca is residual income,” Kindel says. “That’s what I’m here for, and that’s one of the things that inspires me the most to share Melaleuca with others.”




These results are not typical. Please consult the Annual Income Statistics on page 58 for typical results.

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