The Emerging Technology Frontier

AI can also be harnessed to measure corruption through various practices, such as monitoring how companies work with vendors, countries, and communities. Companies can even assess their compliance with human rights and corporate governance standards. Both financial and non-financial measures can be tracked to determine the integrity of a company’s governance structure. Data and data governance AI can help synthesize data from multiple sources and provide decision-making tools to make it easier to manage sustainability problems such as transparency, assessing ESG compliance, optimizing operations, capturing sensor data, and performing scenario planning simulations. Collecting new and more consistent and reliable data can also be automated, which helps to simulate scenarios and automate standardization, creating more efficiency in ESG reporting and analysis.

In addition to monitoring an organization’s internal staff assets, AI can also be deployed to measure and uphold social sustainability practices, such as promoting a safe and fair working environment for employees. Think, for example, of a factory: are working conditions safe? Are female workers fairly compensated for their work compared to their male counterparts? Are the factory’s vendors complying with regulations? AI can be leveraged to answer these questions by conducting large-scale pattern recognition and comparing the results with predetermined metrics. Impact on Governance The impact of AI on governance is critical, as it can enhance transparency and accountability to stakeholders and the public.

There are three broad areas where data can be leveraged with AI.

Descriptive analytics

Predictive analytics

Image recognition

Summarizing existing data to understand where a company stands in terms of ESG.

Predicting future energy consumption, carbon emissions, and alternate sources that can be utilized.

Observing, classifying, and annotating images to track resource depletion and plan for future resource utilization.

But, with big data comes great responsibility, and data governance is just as critical in ESG operations as anywhere else. It must be reliable, consistent, high quality, and compliant with existing regulations. Therefore, robust data governance is essential for organizations to utilize ESG policies and make informed decisions efficiently.


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