The Emerging Technology Frontier

However, before digitizing physical documents, there are other factors to consider.

or translation. The next step is to determine the necessary tech infrastructure, including whether to use on-premises or cloud infrastructure, what IT norms need to be followed, and how much investment in the infrastructure is required to run the models (e.g., a base GPU). Each solution should also have the flexibility to alter or expand its algorithm logic to ensure extraction occurs in line with the business requirements. Any digitization components from other providers that an organization has already invested in will require a solution to be built around them, highlighting the need for solution providers to be cloud agnostic. Pillar 1 Sophisticated AI/ML technology, like machine vision and NLP, enhance the digitization process’s accuracy and efficiency. Pillar 2 A robust engineering architecture that can be scaled as needed to support operational optimization & handle large volumes of data.

Data storage, paper trails, compliance, and privacy

Information extracted from an unstructured source, such as a document scanned as a PDF, requires much less physical space to store than a hard copy. But while the storage of the digitized data is not an issue, the question of what happens to the original documents after extraction is important to address, as paper trails for compliance are critical. Generally, once digitized, documents are moved to a cost-effective storage option like a blob or cold storage, making them easily manageable and accessible when needed. Of course, data extraction and storage create a compliance challenge, particularly concerning personally identifiable information (PII). Data encryption cannot happen “on the fly,” as algorithms need to understand the context of the information to extract relevant data.However, data can be encrypted at the moment of extraction, ensuring that information is secure and cannot be accessed without authorization. Leveraging these cornerstones and considerations to build a document digitization framework, the subsequent step is an optimized solution for translating physical documents into digital assets.

Pillar 3 Digitization solutions that align with business processes and goals to generate strong ROI & adoption by users.

Document digitization solution framework


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