
18A — December 6 - 19, 2013 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal



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UNTINGDONVAL- LEY, PA — GFCIB and Advisors, LLC Unique financial solutions for two partnerships GFCIB provides Chapter 11 Bankruptcy support H

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involving complicated commer- cial real estate partnerships in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The lenders have attempted to seize the subject real estate owned by these partnerships despite the significant equity contained the properties. One matter is taking placing in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York and the other in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the State of New Jersey in the Trenton vicinage. The first matter consists of a 78 unit multi-family apart- U.S. and global economic recoveries have become ago- nizingly gradual. The U.S. economy, now in its fifth year of expansion, seems unable to generate anything approach- ing full momentum due to a series of speed bumps that lay in its path, many of which have been put in place by the federal government. Thanks largely to ongoing monetary accommodation, many asset prices are now rising, in-

ment building in the Bronx, NY, and theNewJerseymatter involves a large Recreational Vehicle (“RV”) park located in Central New Jersey. GFCIB was engaged by the partner- ships to craft unique financial solutions with the goal of both partnerships realizing the economic benefits it originally contemplated while simulta- neously solving the issues with the lenders in manner which is fair and equitable under the law and circumstances and in the best interests of all stake- holders. ■ cluding stock prices and real estate. This has produced better conditions for construc- tion and real estate during the year ahead despite ongo- ing budgetary stalemates in Washington, D.C” Cox said, “What we can take away from the informationAnirban Basu shared with us is that we have a growing economy with real estate values rising which indicates that now is the time to buy. ■

a nationally recognized fi- nancial real estate advo- cate and ad- visory firm for commer- cial real es- tate owners,

Jack Miller

developers, builders and mid sized businesses announced two new engagements to re- structure and provide Chapter 11 bankruptcy support services

SVN-Miller 2013 Commercial Real Estate Forum forecasts economic expansion

SALISBURY, MD - Sperry Van Ness – Miller Commer- cial Real Estate recently held their 2013 Commercial Real Estate Forum at the Perdue School of Business in Salisbury, MD. Anirban Basu, CEO and chairman of Sage Policy Group returned as the key- note speaker for the third year in a row. Basu summarized his pre- sentation by saying, “The


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