TIS THE SEASON TO TEAM UP As we wind down the year and celebrate the holiday season, we want to recognize everyone who represented our teamwith pride and demonstrated The Power of One in our communities through the Team Up Community Challenge. There’s still opportunity for a last-minute project before the Dec. 31 deadline. Remember, each toy or coat in the donation bin and every hour serving your local charity results in a matching contribution to Averitt Cares for Kids!
A YE AR I N THE RE ARV I EW Here are some of our favorite Team Up moments you shared this year. You can also check out InsideAveritt.com/TeamUp to view the photo gallery of all our great teams in action. Thanks for showing the Averitt spirit of generosity in 2021!. T m
We look forward to sharing our team’s accomplishments at the beginning of 2022 and to announce the resulting donation to Averitt Cares for Kids. Be sure to email your Team Up hours and photos to Kiley Baldwin on our Marketing and Communications team at kbaldwin@averittexpress.com
Jackson MS teammates showed up to help move The Little Light House school to a new facility.
Greensboro and Laredo each took time to beautify their communities through their Adopt-A-Highway programs.
Atlanta West recently joined hands with local ministry Community Fellowship Church to hand out BBQ lunches to the homeless.
Multimodal and friends from Corporate gave helpful baby supplies to the Cookeville Pregnancy Center.
Nissan teammates delivered boxes full of craft supplies and socks for Woodbury Health and Rehabilitation Center
Tupelo teamed up for a trash cleanup, and they collected over 200 gallons of litter! Way to go, team!
C O M M U N I T Y C H A L L E N G E matters
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