King's Business - 1940-03



March, 1940

wrath of men to praise Him, and com­ mands, “Be still, and know that I am God.” 1 The Meaning of the Message Go tell Peter that Christ by His res­ urrection has set the seal of sovereignty on God’s plan to save from the utter­ most to the uttermost. Even an un­ worthy vbackslider may turn and have fellowship restored and become a fisher of men. The next forty days to Pente­ cost were wonderful to this man. Christ was everything to him, and under the power of the Holy Spirit from the Day of Pentecost onward, the risen Christ was to Peter not only his own Saviour, but also the Redeemer of all who come unto God by Him. And apart from the power of the risen Christ, we are of all men most miserable, without hope and without God in the world. Go tell Peter and through him the world, that Christ’s words are true words. His promise cannot fail. God has said, “This is my beloved Son: hear him.” “Come . . . and I will give you rest.” The word of the Lord standeth sure; not one jot or tittle shall pass away till all be fulfilled. Go tell Peter and through him the world, that the work of witnessing is not in vain. Those fishermen were called to be fishers of men. They were not enlisted in.a losing cause, not following a dead Christ. He was dead. Now He is alive for evermore. He said, “Lo, I am with you alway.” Go tell Peter and through him the whole world, that the kingdom of Christ is destined to be set up upon the earth and shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. This humble group were destined under God to send the gospel to the utmost bounds. At the close of the first century, half a million fol­ lowed in their train. In the fifth cen­ tury there were ten million; fifteenth century, a hundred million; eighteenth century, two hundred million. Today there are perhaps five hundred million who yield at least a measure of alle­ giance to Him. The historian tells us that Charle­ magne at his own request was buried in a sitting position, clothed in purple, crown on head, scepter in hand. Long afterwards, the tomb was opened, and tfiere was little left of imperial glory. The crown had fallen, the scepter lay in the dust, and the royal robe was in tatters. But not so with Christ! He has risen indeed. He hath upon His vesture and his thigh a name written, “King of Kings.” He lives, and His omnipotent power will yet move the world till every knee shall bow. The Application of the Message Go tell Peter and all who follow the Christ of Peter to watch arid pray, for the risen and ascended Christ shall so come in like manner as He was seen going into heaven. The 'members of

the early church made more of the blessed hope than we do. At the be­ ginning of the day, they did not say,. “Good morning,” but “Maranatha”-— “Our Lord cometh.” ' At the close of the day, it was not “Good night,” but “Maranatha." “Our Lord cometh,” and no one anticipated Christ’s appearing with a clearer hope than did Peter. Go tell Peter that since God is in heaven, all’s well with His children. True, there are wars and rumors of war, and the end is not yet. A few more burdens, trials, disappointments, heartaches; then'He will come. “Where­ fore comfort one another with these words.” 1On the evening of His resurrection, Christ came into the upper room with the glory of His great triumph shining in His face. Lifting His nail-pierced hands, He said, to His disciples and Peter, “Peace be unto you.” This is the Easter benediction arid never was it more needed or more welcome than in these dark and troublous days. e supremely, and that is the glory of God in and through the salvation arid sanc­ tification of souls. Here again, we have '*■ an individual responsibility. In this worldly age, Christian people too fre­ quently have been caught up by the spirit of the age, and have-failed to separate themselves from things belong­ ing to the world system.' A broken-hearted ininister said to me recently: “Mr. Lockyer, on a Sunday night when I come ,to my church, I can­ not find room to park my car, because the space is taken up by many of my own church people who are on the spot early, that they might go to the near-by movies on Sunday night.” In another town; I learned that although the minis­ ter was very orthodox and fundamental in his preaching, he had a free pass into all the movies in the city. Oh, I know that people regard us as being narrow and antiquated. But as we look into the Word, we find that if we have the love of the world in our hearts, the love of the Father is not there (cf. 1 John 2:15). And did not Christ Him­ self say of His followers, in that high- priestly prayer of His: “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” . (John 17,:16) ? Whether we jug­ gle with the truth or n°t. it is there! And unless we have complete separa­ tion from the attractions of a Christ- hating world, we can have no power with God. One may be a preacher of the Word, a teacher- in Sunday-school, or a deacon, or an elder, or some other office-bearer. But unless that one is prepared to be separated unto God, the Lord cannot work through him or her in bringing men and women to spirit­ ual life. [Continued on Page 115] STONES THAT HINDER [Continued from Page 90]

W illard H otel at L eft o f Bible Institute and next to Los Angeles P ublic L ibrary P ark HOTEL (Frances E.) WILLARD is operated as a high-class temperance hotel. Adjoining beautiful Public Library Park on one side and the Church of the Open Door on the other, this residential center is surrounded by a Christian atmosphere and environ­ ment that assures a safe, comfortable and exclusive place to stop. Some of its features are: Twenty-four hour desk and telephone service; separ­ ate floors for men and women; exten­ sive roof garden; water softener install­ ed throughout the building; detached baths, showers and circulating ice water on every floor. RATES The Willard is a Class A hotel, has 320 rooms furnished for your comfort and convenience, and obliging attendants are always at your call. Write for in­ formation. LOCATED within a few minutes’ walk of the shopping district and easily ac­ cessible to all transportation depots, Hotel Willard offers an ideal home to those seeking refinement in living. IS Stories of Fireproof Construction WILLARD (Frances E.) H O T E L 536-40 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif. F. B. Harrison, Manager ENCOURAGEMENT FROM THE RISEN CHRIST [Continue# from Page 87] about ways. He was superior in this respect to James and John. Here is a bit of the story. The last time Peter had seen Jesus was in the judgment hall. Thrice he had denied Him, his best friend. That Friend is nevertheless the One who makèth the Rooms with detached baths $17.00 to $25.00 per month Rooms with Bath $30.00 to $45.00 per month Daily and Weekly Rates in proportion

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