King's Business - 1940-03


T H E I C I NG ' S B U S I N E S S

March, 1940

ity is sufficiently strong to enforce its decisions, then the independence of the nations is threatened or eventually de­ stroyed by a world empire like ancient Rome. But if the independence of na­ tions is maintained, then the central authority is powerless to enforce its de­ cisions. Thus is seen the futility of the League of Nations. And it is always, the “great peoples” and “strong nations” that at last undermine alii the grand schemes of international organization. Italy snaps her fingers at the League when she decides to take Abyssinia. The Russian Reds, kicked out of the League at last, merely laugh at this futile gesture. But, thank God, some day there will be on earth a central Author­ ity that will not be an object of sneers and laughter, even by “strong nations.” . Lord, let "thy kingdom come.” Golden Text Illustration M icah 4:3 A missionary once said: “I have been laboring among a people who once de­ lighted in war, but since Christianity has prevailed, their war has ceased altogether. The last Sabbath I spent with them, I went into one of their chapels and preached to a congregation of fifteen hundred persons. A rude sort of pulpit was erected with stairs lead- ing up to it, the railings of which, smooth and polished, were literally made of handles of warriors’ spears by those who had transferred themselves, with their weapons of war, to a nobler and better purpose—the service of the Lord.”—Five Thousand Best Modem Illustrations, by Hallock. Peacemakers M icah 5 MEMORY VERSE: “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” (Matt. 5:9). APPROACH: All of us like perfect things. We like perfect fairness; that is, when some one has done wrong, and punishment must be ■ given, we know the punishment belongs to the one per­ son who was guilty. Our lesson today is about a time that is c o m i n g when there will be many perfect conditions, that we do not see now. That time will be when the Lord Jesus Christ has re­ turned to be the one fair and absolutely righteous Ruler of all the earth. LESSON STORY: Then there will be love among people. Instead of using swords and spears for war, the people will form these things Into farming tools. Instead of turning away from God to idols, they will say, “Let us go . . . to the house of the God of Jacob . . . and we will walk in his paths” (Micah

4:2). They Will enjoy their own homes and yards, without being afraid at all. These happy conditions will be ours when the Lord Jesus is here as the world’s “ruler” (5:2)—that is, when the One who was bom in the little city of Bethlehem (v. 2) long, long ago, and at whose coming the angels spoke of “peace, good will toward men” (Lk. 2:14) is right here on earth in person to bring about perfect peace and right­ eousness in everything. That will be a wonderful time—but even now we can know our loving Lord Jesus who is our “peace” (5:5), our Saviour. And we can he like Him in loving to see^ peace among men:

• It’ s not too early to plan to attend . . . . BIOLA SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL Combine Bible Study with Your Vacation S IX WEEKS' COURSE June 17 to July 26, 1940 The Summer School is for the student — teacher— pastor — mis­ sionary—who cannot be with us in the winter, but who longs for the opportunity to study God’s Word during the summer. • Credits on all diplbma and degree courses. • Instructors from our regular Day School. Tor further information, address Office of Registrar

Object Lesson W ork or W ar

OBJECTS: A work glove, a box,..6 glove, a piece of steel about four inches long, and a strong magnet. (Hide the piece of steel in the finger of the work glove.) LESSON: What is a glove such as this one used for? “For boxing.” Boxing is one form of fighting, and in it men are often injured for life. If box­ ing were always entered into just for physical exercise, it would be all right, but it almost always becomes actual fighting. Men often fight with gloves as truly as soldiers fight with guns on the battlefield. God does not like any form of fighting. What is a glove like this one used for? “It is used to work with.” It is much, better to work than it is to fight. These two gloves remind me of a verse in the Bible, “And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Micah 4:3). When the Lord Jesus comes back to earth, the nations will use their strength in work instead of in war. We will let this large magnet remind us of Christ when He comes. It comes to the boxing glove and shoves it out of the way. The magnet next comes to the working glove, picks it up, and carries it along. It will be a happy day for this old world when Jesus Christ comes back to rule and reign and the nations of earth learn war no more. Until that day comes, God would have us use our strength in working for Him, Instead of in fighting others.

G O S P E L S I N G E R S , Songs of Grace No. 1—Songs of Grace No. 2 New Solos, Duets, T rios, Quartets, Choruses, Choir and other Songs. Each, 30c postpaid. G O S P E L P IAN I STS ! Sacred Piano Solos with Variations: “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy'* “ Blessed Be the Fountain** , Each .35c Postpaid. Order from— Gordon E. Hooker 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Cal.

Book Missionaries Wanted to Sell Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s great trio: of devotional books: Streams in the Desert Consolation Springs in the Valley $1.50 each postpaid Liberal Commission OBIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY, PUBLISHERS 900 N. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.

¿hies INSURANCE S ? MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER PERSHING SQUARE! BUILDING Los Angeles, California 448 South Hill St. Phone VA. 7102

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