King's Business - 1940-03


Î H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

March, 1940

Just Off the Press! THE PRINCESS BEAUTIFUL by Brenda Cannon ■* TPhii» attending: th# state university, Libby Leu finds that college life is not all she had anticipated; decides to stand true to her convictions and, as a result, is used of the Lord to win her friends and classmates to Him. An inexpensive, thought-provoking book for young people who are looking forward to college life. 126 pages, illustrated, art stock cover, 20c. The Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n 810 North Wells St. Chicago, 111. Communion W are in Chrome Handsome as Silver. Less Costly Untarnishable. Holds its Lustre Send for Illustrated Folder Goodenough and Woglom Company 296 Broadway, New York S p a r e T i m e W o r k ForW o m en No Experience Needed E ven busy housew ives and employed w om en can earn E xtra Money selling pretty G roover Aprons to friends, etc. You do not deliver the aprons nor collect fo r them. L iberal comm ission. FREE sell­ ing kit. W rite fo r inform ation—-No obli­ gation Whatever. J. Groover Co., 1507 Cass Ave., St. Louis, Mo. “ OBJECT TALKS” 20 bright talks to boys and girls illus­ trated by familiar objects. “ TALKS ON TEXTS” 20 children’ s Sermons. Illuminated by? fascinating illustrations. “ Paper Tearing Talks” 15 Gospel talks. Paper is folded, then torn and the object is unfolded. In­ teresting to old and young. Pull -di­ rections. One Pastor writes: “ Your talks are the best I have ever used or have been able to find.” Each set $1.00 AU Three $2.00 55 talks—whole year with the Children _ Over 47,00§ in use. Haddon Service, Bex 164B, Fairfield, Conn. CARTOON TRACTS ♦ . F or m ore than 20 years Dr, Pace’s Cartoons have appeared w eekly in the SUNDAY SCHOOL TIMES o f P hila­ delphia. Nearly a hundred choice ones have been printed in tract form , each car­ toon illustrating some vital scriptural truth concerning Salvation, Prayer, M issions, Giving, Prophecy, etc. Each tract has a m essage by either Dr. Ironside, Dr. B iederw ölf, Dr. Pace, Dr. Brown, Dr. N ew ell, Dr. Dunham, Dr. Trumbull or some other w riter. Send 25c fo-r Sample P acket or $1.00 fo r 400, or $2.50 fo r 1000 assorted. Title Sheet FREE upon request. Gospel Truth Poster Service Box 388-K, Findlay, Ohio

NOTES on Christian Endeavor By MARY G. GOODNER

APRIL 7, 1940 HEALING THE SICK M atthew 4:23; L uke 9:1, 2; J ames 5 :14 Meditation on the Lesson

whose work in connection with the Women’s Hospital of the China Inland Mission at •Kaifeng, Honan, China, has been of a consistently high character, its chief emphasis being upon the spiritual needs of its hundreds of patients. Dr. William Wanless of India has been another widely used medical mis­ sionary, a surgeon whose services for the sick were so outstanding that he was knighted by the king of .England. The Wanless Memorial Hospital in India stands as a reminder now of his work, but his greater reward is yet to come, at the Judgment seat of Christ, when he hears the blessed “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Dr. Thomas A. Lambie’s autobiog­ raphy, A Doctor Without a Country, is a stirring story of missionary service in the Sudan, climaxing with the Italian invasion of Abyssinia. Having the friendship and confidence of Emperor Haile Selassie, Dr.. Lambie was ap­ pointed Executive Secretary of the Ethiopian Red Cross during the war period. As the Ethiopian army was without any effective medical service, this post enabled Dr. Lambie to give a unique testimony for Christ in a land now closed to the entrance of Protes­ tant missions. Challenge ‘y°ur group to a careful study and reading of missionary biog­ raphies of doctors. An investigation of this theme will help make you want to do what Christ would have you do! Helps for the Leader I. T he M issionary I deal Livingstone once expressed his ideal as a missionary in these noble words: “I am a missionary, heart and soul. God had an only Son, and He was a mission­ ary and a physician. A poor, poor imi­ tation of Him I am or wish to be. In this service, I hope to live; in it, I wish to die.”—G. B. F. Hallock. II. A’ M atter of P roportion It is characteristic of humankind that we live unbalanced, poorly proportioned lives. Only the Lord Jesus Christ, the Perfect One — manifested perfect bal­ ance in all the relationships of His life. Only as the Christian missionary is guided by the Word of God and is con­ trolled by the Holy Spirit can he be safeguarded from an unbalanced em­ phasis in his service. If he depends upon his human judgment and human pity, he is likely to see only the immediate, material need. But if he has learned

“And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the peo­ ple” (Matt. 4:23). In this comprehensive summary of our Lord's work in Galilee, we find the pattern and ideal Which modern mis­ sions have attempted to follow as they stress three forms of activity: educa­ tional, evangelistic, and medical. The three are sometimes separate and dis­ tinct in operation, but all should be one in purpose, namely: that men and wo­ men may know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. The general theme of this and the next two meetings is "Christ’s Work in Mission Fields.” Our special topic for this meeting is medical work. The Gos­ pel of Mark records in the first two chapters alone the healing of the fol­ lowing p e r s o n s : "Simon’s wife’s mother,” "many that were sick” in that city, "a leper,” and “one sick of the palsy.” “Healing, the sick” ! What blessed re­ lief those three words bring to the suf­ ferer when he knows that Jesus Christ can and does heal! While it is a fact that the Lord Jesus does heal today even apart from the skill of physicians, He seems more frequently to work through consecrated knowledge that is prayerfully applied to human needs. Following closely in the footsteps of our Saviour are numbers of Christian physicians and surgeons, nurses and dentists, who, evangelistic in heart, have gone- forth in the power of the Name to heal the sick. Notable among women doctors who minister now to physical needs in for­ eign fields is Dr. Jessie MacDonald, Please Write Us! Do you use the Christian Endeavor Notes in your society? What type of programs do you find most suitable for your group? Can you suggest ways of improving this department in THE KING’S BUSINESS? Please let us hear from you. Address a postal card or let­ ter to: Managing Editor, The King’s Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.


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